Hyderabad Startups List

Map of the local innovation industry.
Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Hyderabad.

Meet 1250 entepreneurs, makers, and investors based in Hyderabad

ID 191804

Renganathan Ramamoorthy

Worked at @google, @amazon @siemens | Studied at @thunderbird-school-of-global-management, @university-of-kerala and currently making open web media better.

ID 57501

Ush Patel


Founder of @brightstart. Searching for investments for a small angel fund. Worked at @merrill-lynch. Brit.

ID 356444

Samudra Neelam Bhuyan

MIMS student at UC Berkeley. Prev: Founder @examify • 

ID 217904

Jaikishan Jalan

Bootstrapped a VC funded company. Shipped multiple products at Microsoft, Google. PhD drop out.

ID 389794

Ajay Kumar

25 patents, worked at Yahoo, Sun Microsystems, Microsoft, Adobe. Headed technology function for media startup.

ID 23114

Ravi Trivedi


Founder @srijan-capital. Angel Investments @explara @tookitaki @mechmocha @couponrani . Digital Marketer & Enterpreneur. Ex- Venture Capitalist

ID 154888

Bhanu Prasad Madala

ID 268191

Nitin Pawar

Looking for some interesting work related to big data data technologies and data sciences

ID 16106

Sashi Reddi


Entrepreneur, Technology Visionary, Angel Investor

ID 343711

Sai Prasad

Worked at @adobe-systems, @instamojo • Studied at @national-institute-of-technology-warangal

ID 129988

Sairam Kunala

Works at @flipkart . Worked at @amazon, @crypsis-technologies-pvt-ltd • @42events Studied at @iiit-hyderabad

ID 198883

Satya Krishna Ganni


Founder of @martmobi-technologies ,@learnsocial, @adaptive3d ,@WebPDM, @sematrica-inc ,Extremely passionate about Technology and Entrepreneurship.

ID 115043

Sridhar Muppidi


CEO & Co-Founder at @yesgnome, LLC. Co-Founder of @purpletalk, Inc. & PanTerraNetworks, Inc.

ID 435406

Chaitan Nallamothu


Engineering Director @ Automotive Robotics Inc.Part of the company since 2001 Developing & Managing Engineering Business & Delivery Globally. Heading Global Solutions Team with a focus on Innovation combining Engineering Advancements with Human Needs.

ID 382917

Srinivas Kollipara


COO of Banyan Intellectual Initiatives, a non-profit with a seed fund and the largest coworking space in South India.

ID 19902

Hemant Verma

Software Developer @ Amazon.com

ID 102153

Abhishek Gupta


Entrepreneur, Angel Investor, Running the Accelerator TLabs by Times that invests in very early stage tech startups

ID 389553

Sunil Mayreddy


Founder @catalyzer-startup-accelerator, @project-ajahn • Advisor at @adhya-educational-society • Self taught Physics, Philosophy & Psychology

ID 365408

Varun Chandra

Founder InCights Mobile Solutions, @rentimental-com • Worked at @tata-consulting-services-tcs, @nokia-siemens-networks

ID 140656

Kiran Raparti

Technology leader with experience building applications to scale.

ID 197588

Avinash Kodakandla

ID 268103

Manas Garg

Co-Founder at Optmyzr. Founded TripFeet - a travel website before Optmyzr. Developed Enterprise servers at Microsoft for over 5 years.

ID 648046

Kaushal Sanghavi

Ex-Amazon, Saffronart (Sequoia backed) & CK-12 (Khosla-founded).CS from @university-of-california-berkeley, MBA @ISB.

ID 734690

Sudhir Baru

Graduate from BITS Pilani,Have two years of Start up Experience.

ID 56578

Ramesh Rao (ラオ, राउ, రావు,饶)

Experienced technologist and market analyst

ID 183277

Mansi Gandhi

Founder & COO @doctorc • Worked at @oracle-corporation • Studied at @cornell-university, @birla-institute-of-technology-and-science

ID 435588

Hanu Prateek Kunduru

Engineer, MBA, Entrepreneur, Co-Founder, Hacker, Hustler, Socially Conscious, Collaborative, Designer, Developer, Activist

ID 392013

Sorabh Gupta

Worked at @eligible • Studied at @iiit-hyderabad

ID 73237

Hemanth Satyanarayana

CEO @imaginate, Augmented Reality Company | MIT TR35 Innovator Awardee | IIT Madras & Start-Up Chile Alumnus | Computer Vision Expert

ID 714800

Pattan H Khan

Funded - LetsLunch Inc. and Sun Power Circuit Inc

ID 55671

C Chaitanya

Principal Architect of @ozonetel-systems. Masters in Computer Science at @university-of-florida-1.

ID 367450

Sasikanth Chemalamudi

Expert at starting up & building business in environment of constrained resources. BE(hons) from BITS Pilani. ELP from London Business School & MDP from IIM-A.

ID 55820

Atul Sharma

Co Founder, @ozonetel-systems. Product architect behind the KooKoo Cloud Platform,14+ years of experience in building solutions in enterprise telecom space.

ID 318630

Pramod Nair

Founder & CTO @martmobi-technologies, Earlier cofounded, launched & sold @learnsocial in 6 months. Worked at D. E. Shaw & Co. IIIT-H CS Grad with Honors in IR.

ID 399518

Aditya Bandi

Founder @bookpad-inc • Worked at @microsoft, @symantec • Studied at @indian-institute-of-technology-guwahati

ID 76472

Shabda Raaj

Founder @agiliq • Worked at @oracle-corporation . I build amazing apps, and can help you build them.

ID 527883

Purushottam Modani


Purushottam Modani ‘Puru’ is a versatile and passionate leader and a seasoned angel investor having invested in 15 odd early stage companies across sectors. He is also a member of Mumbai Angels and a part of the Screening committee there.

ID 129795

Arjun Rao

Founder and CEO, @valuelabs

ID 2140

Prem Singh Tara

ClientCurve is a Marketing Support Service Company(Lead Generation).

ID 218386

Andreas Brenner

Founder @avrios. Biz Dev @deindeal-goodshine-ag , @Palisis, @wuala. Studied at U of St. Gallen, U of Hong Kong, Nanyang Technological U, U of Washington

ID 209775

prashanth kancherla

Head of Pre Sales at Ozonetel Systems, Strong in Domain Consulting & Data Analytics(2006 MBA from NITIE,Mumbai)

ID 423901

Ashish Krishna

Worked at @microsoft, @d-light-design

ID 304474

Nawaz Dhandala

Founder at CloudBoost | Won Imagine Cup 2013 | Addicted to code | Engineer by heart | Loves to Skate | Plays Tennis.

ID 356666

Angad Nadkarni

Founder @ Examify, CSE student @bits-pilani-1 - first app at age 13, self-taught hacker. Freelanced security and design to @indiagames-ltd

ID 186637

Ch Ray

Co-founder and full stack hacker @ninjaas. Self learner, Passionate Dreamer, Realistic Executor, Optimistic Person.

ID 3504

Ramesh Padala

Founder @yogatailor.com. Into Rails,agile,lean,hacking,product design, snowboarding, chai,SaaS, analytics. @stanford-university MSCS. worked 15 yrs - 6startups, 1 large co

ID 214603


Founder @lemonseed-careers • Worked at @microsoft, @mckinsey-company • Studied at @stanford-university, @indian-institute-of-technology-madras

ID 81050

Varun Deshpande

Founder @toptalent-in-1

ID 464564

Harish Kotra

Founder Fests.info • Working at @deep-red-ink

ID 133393

Rahul Sanghi

Founder @500-hustle, @innowhite • Worked at @bank-of-america, @schooladmissions • Studied at @vellore-institute-of-technology • Fellow at @startupleadership-com • Organizer @startupweekend Hyderabad • Google Product Prodigy

ID 368756

Pratyush Nigam

Co-Founder of @tuneterrain. Worked at @amazon and @flipkart. @google-summer-of-code 2011 student. @iiit-hyderabad 2013 Graduate.

ID 109197

The Seed Fund


Fostering Innovations

ID 241774

Mubarak Bijinemula

Founder @awesum • Worked for @thoughtworks, @fab-com & @willowtv

ID 348435

Badarudheen K.T.

Co-Founder @tao • Worked at @microsoft • Entrepreneur • @ruby on Rails • @angularjs • Passionate about Organization Building • First startup while at College

ID 225333

Prashanth Meka


ID 212199

Naren Krishna Madhurakavi

Co-founder @techsquares @inc42 ; Draper University Super Hero; BITS Pilani undergrad . Kairos Global Fellow, Global Entrepreneurship Summer School fellow. 

ID 317851

Mydhili Bayyapunedi

EdTechnologist with a focus on building products that matter. Currently building YoungCurrent and iheartstori.es.

ID 120432

Sirish Reddi


Co-Founder @tradingpartners, Director & co-founder @bambou, Director & Founder @voxta-communications, Founded @blueaccion. Investor @blueaccion

ID 193513

Pradyumna Doddala

The Startup Guy !

ID 406927

Niketh Sabbineni

CTO and Founder @bookpad-inc. Graduate from Indian Institute of Technology - Guwahati. Worked at @amazon and @sourcebits-1

ID 84585

Vamshi Krishna Reddy

Front End Consultant, UX Expert, Web & Mobile Application Developer

ID 190164

Kiran Bulusu

Founder of Sensory Health Systems. Previous roles include R&D,Pre-Sales,Strategic Mgmt in Semiconductors and EDA .

ID 710619

Ibrahim Burhani

ID 180269

Jayasri Nagrale

Founder @enabli, @letscreatecrafts-1, Graphic Designer, Illustrator, Avid Reader and a Happy Person!

ID 235286

Laxman Papineni

Co-founder @appvirality-com @giveaway-ly @makeideaz Worked at @oracle-corporation @wipro-technologies studied at @Osmania University

ID 186723

Shashaank Shekhar Singhal

Founder @designchords • Worked at @mckinsey-company, @taaza • Studied at @indian-school-of-business-hyderabad

ID 640480

Kiran Reddy Pendri

Studied at @harvard-university

ID 325599

Jayesh Bagde

Founder @touristlink-com • Worked at @salt-lake-sms-pvt-ltd, @trans-techno-corp • Studied at @hislop-college

ID 235310

RamakoteswarRao Papineni

Co-Founder @appvirality-com @giveaway-ly • Worked at @infosys-technologies

ID 77901

Abhilash Inumella

Product engineer. Gold medalist at IIIT, Hyderabad. Worked at Facebook and Google.

ID 176494

Gokul Nath Sridhar

Founded @likewyss. Student @bits-pilani-1. @python lover. Minimalism freak.

ID 405556

Dr. Madhulika S

Founder @catalyzer-startup-accelerator, @project-ajahn • Founder @Adhya Educational Society • Studied Ph.D at @texas A&M University, College Station.

ID 581105

Aman Neelappa

Stanford CS(dropped), BITS Pilani undergrad

ID 37541

Haranadh Gavara

Entrepreneur, MS(Research), IIT Madras

ID 637475

Yogi Agravat

Founder @tirupati-engineering-company • Worked at @avance-consulting-services, https://angel.co/ • Studied at @indian-institute-of-management-calicut

ID 567808

Govind Kavaturi

Startup guy | Marketer | Entrepreneur | Photographer | Director @the-kairos-society India | Organizer @lean-startup-machine

ID 173320



Studied at @purdue university with a degree in financial counseling and planning plus a certificate in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

ID 243689

Rishabh Garg

Developer @prezi • @google-summer-of-code 2011 • Research intern @concordia-university • Developer @playcez • CSE @iiit-hyderabad

ID 263549

Zakiullah Khan

Just trying to think independently. People, Processes & Markets matters most to me. BE from Anna University 2007 and CEE Alumni of Indian School of Business.

ID 517502

Rajat Shahi

Founder Chairman & CEO at Intellogi, Core Committee Member at Hyderabad Entrepreneurs Society

ID 598881

Sreekar M. Shastry

Co-founder of Machineparty. Haskell hacker. UMich PhD in Mathematics,

ID 130161

Swagat Irsale

-- @imomentous

ID 389103

Faisal Faruqui

Founder Finesse Management • Worked at @tata-consultancy-services • Studied at @jawaharlal-nehru-technological-university

ID 522388

Chandra Mohan

Business Development, Partnerships, B2B, Fund Raising, Presentations, Management

ID 408369

Swetha Suresh

Successful scientist with a passion for community building in life-sciences and innovation.

ID 247151

Divyam Goel

Oracle - Application Developer Working on server side of the Oracle's ERP Tablet application Pattern Insight - Software Intern Worked on Log Insight - the static log analysis tool Microsoft - Software Intern Worked on Domains Tool, a Real Time app used to

ID 276922

Sathvik Ponangi

Founder @doers-guild

ID 355706

Bangar Reddy

Founder wallpost • Worked @cms-info-systems • Studied at @osmania-university Interested in Geo Based Services, Security and Hacking

ID 49809

Sameer Mehta

Founding Team @135 Tech Labs. Founded GrainyDay & SaheeDeals. • Worked @sumtotal-systems, @ca-technologies • Studied @indian-school-of-business-hyderabad.

ID 335564

Ujjwal Anurag

Founder @jingloo, Jingloo • Studied at @jawaharlal-nehru-technological-university

ID 108040

goutham vel

backend engineer at @nwplyng

ID 639143

Ranjit Patel

I am an extremely energetic person who wants more and more out of life. I love my work, my family & my friends and also like meeting new people.

ID 733204

Ravneet Singh

Founder & CEO of Brthe • Studied at @iiit-hyderabad. I dream with my eyes wide open, I think this is what they call "Vision".

ID 397544

vivek tiwari

frontned lead @martmobi-technologies , co-founder @ gozocabs, product lead @ bravolucy tech, worked @ i2 tech, entrepreneur and a passionate developer.

ID 179063

Sheshakanth Munagapati

Holistic Visionary Thinking, Entrepreneurial Instincts, Product Savvy, Global Exposure, Rich Cultural R&D Exposure with 5 Patents Published, Competitive Intelligence, Road Map Planning for the products, Leading and Executing the new programs in the organi

ID 790277

Aneeq Dholakia

VP Finance and Marketing, Brthe

ID 246101

Satyavihar Kothamasu

UI/UX Lead at @martmobi-technologies

ID 614338

Mahith Mukundan

Software Development Engineer at Qikwell Technologies India Pvt Ltd

ID 10666

Kishore Annapureddy

CEO of @gamooga. An IIT graduate. Ex-Googler. Was part of founding team of Knowlarity, a cloud telephony company.

ID 770161

vinayak cs

I am a web artisan who likes to create awesome things , I intend to dedicate my life for this crusade to earn the scars and battle-tested wisdom.

ID 550680

Akshay Garg

Program/Product Management

ID 622323

akhil Eda

ID 609161

Arjun Mukhopadhyay

Amazon + PwC Intern

ID 88497

Surya C. A

CEO of Applytics Innovative Solutions and With 10+ years of Industry Experience as Delivery / Project Manager / Business Analyst in Web based Projects with exposure in SDLC, PM, ERP Implementation, Pre Sales

ID 377532

Jasminder S Gulati

ID 291226

Sai Teja Reddy

Works at @amazon; Previously worked at @qualcomm, @coherendz • Studied at @indian-institute-of-technology-delhi

ID 421465

Prashant Dwivedi

Launched 3 successful iOS applications.

ID 70766

Sampath Kumar

Entrepreneur - software engineer + manager with global work experience in s/w products & full stack web development.

ID 874053

ayesha Bilimoria

Human Resource Professional with 3 years of Global Experience. Strong academic background: Masters in HR and a CIPD qualification from the LSE, London, U.K

ID 606084

Abhishek Aggarwal

Founder Routofy • Worked at @microsoft • Studied at @indian-institute-of-technology-delhi • Strong coding background(Machine Learning and parallel programming lover)

ID 28457

Akram Quraishi

Co-Founder at @foundora - a knowledge hub for entrepreneurs.

ID 213659

Navneet Taori

14 years in technology startups. Specialize in product marketing, branding, user experience, user acquisition, and channel development.

ID 774432

Navneet Mathur

Founder Skilify

ID 705574

Manikant Mahankali

Successfully Launched 2 retail start ups and 1 online startup

ID 487355

Apoorva Kakkeri

Founder 135 Tech Labs • Worked at @qualcomm, @larsen-and-toubro • Studied at @indian-school-of-business-hyderabad

ID 639725

Neha Deshmukh

Computer Science undergraduate at Cornell University, looking for interesting job experiences.

ID 261918

Venkat Janapareddy

Founder of Gozaik and XpertTech. Strong experience in Labor Industry and focused heavily on Web and Mobile technology.

ID 462900

Deekshith Marla

Founder & CTO at InvenZone. Research Assistant from IIT Bombay.

ID 375177

Sandeep Patil


Working in Banking domain since past 8yrs

ID 538712

Niraj Upadhyay

Finance Professional, 12+ years in various roles, expertise in raising funds and business structuring

ID 546993

Gaurav Gampa

San Jose State University Masters, seeking summer internship.

ID 586537

Naveen Kumar H B

Naveen KUmar H B, Studied BBM from University of Manager, Working as Account Manager of Optilly. Having Strong with Ad Operations Knowledge

ID 384842

Raj Kumar

ISB + IIT + 9 years of exp in Entrepreneurship, Product Management, Consulting & Technology

ID 537681

Abhishek Srivastava

Launched 10+ banking application on tablet/mobile - End to end responsibility, IIT - IIM graduate

ID 839093

Amit Bhardwaj

ID 593510

Asankhaya Sharma

ID 180784

Supriyo Roy

Worked at @microsoft, @amazon • Studied at @indian-institute-of-technology-delhi, @west-bengal-university-of-technology. Currently Lead, Design & UX @spangle.

ID 671654

Tathagata Mahajan

3.4 years of professional experience in Assets Sales (SME loans & Commercial Vehicle Finance-Articulated Segment).A PGDBM in Agri-Business Management

ID 161656

jay sony

iPhone developer , iOS spacelist.

ID 195634

Darpan Khurana

ID 40567

Srinivas Aki

Founder & CEO @ The Egghead Creative

ID 546363

Srikanth Yenamareddy

Worked at @strand-life-sciences, @oracle-india-pvt-ltd • Studied at @national-institute-of-technology-warangal

ID 64060


MongoDB Developer/ ETL Developer. Working at Dell

ID 273947

Santosh Tirunagari

Founder @lokalhouse-international • Studied at @aalto-university

ID 287626

G Veera Sekhar

IIT-G Post Graduate, Worked with large scale as well as with Startups. Full Stack Developer with Strong Algorithms and Data Structures.

ID 551822

Praveen Penumaka

Worked at @amazon • Studied at @indian-institute-of-technology-madras

ID 456780

V R Sarath Babu

Founder Promagen Biotech Pvt. Ltd. • Studied at @university-of-mysore, @andhra-university

ID 80515

Wayne Harrel

Author and Founder of Zielix®, Thrib and Hatchboy.

ID 172937


End to End web application developer

ID 577004

Dhruv Mishra

Worked at @cmc-ltd • Studied at @indian-institute-of-technology-delhi

ID 708475

Ashwin Baghel

Founder Frostrix Technologies

ID 189659

Imran Parvez

Product Designer @bitchemy-ventures . Previously build products at @viven-infomedia, @desto-creative-solutions • Studied at @indian-institute-of-technology-madras

ID 673632

Anoushka Koppineni

ID 591535

Sai Aditya Velichala

I am looking to build my profile to achieve my vision, brick by brick.

ID 228810



ID 187480

Durga Prasad


ID 505697

Naren Katakam

Entrepreneur, Marketing, Brand & Design Strategist, UI/UX Consultant, Mech Engr | Worked @microsoft | Founder @brandkatalyst @thewhitespace.co

ID 714548

Sandeep Raj

IIT Kanpur graduate, Successfully launched 3 websites. front-end developer with good understanding of back-end. 

ID 358794

Perraju Bendapudi


Currently with microsoft as partner architect. Co founded cloudgust, missionrnd. graduated from IIT Kanpur in 1993.

ID 707082

Anand Rajgopalan

B.Tech NIT Warangal. Founder, CEO Lakshya Foundation

ID 85409

karthik kolli

Architect and Developer. Worked at Morgan Stanley, Meditab. Studied at Indian Institute of Technology

ID 610588

Shekhar Chopra

Leading recruitment professional, studied at IISC - Bangalore, Working with leading recruitment company

ID 630959

Naag (Startup Hubs)

Network engineer by training. Self-taught web developer. Big-time startup enthusiast and was one of the early bloggers about startups in India.

ID 737885

Kamal Reddy

Javascript Developer. Angular/Node Expert

ID 237099

Pathan Salman Khan

Graduate from CSE, IITB. Active programmer in Codeforces, TopCoder and Hackerrank and other platforms.

ID 598723

Apurva Peri

NUS grad, Top scorer, great interpersonal skills, Hardcore tech background-looking to shift to marketing/sales.

ID 717664

Bharath Thiruveedula

Mozilla, Firebug, Openstack Contributor

ID 157426

Suresh Jayanthi

Co-Founder @artjini-private-limited • Worked at @ibm

ID 378831


ID 571887

Srikanth Avireni

ISB MBA, BITS Pilani MS & BE; Worked at JP Morgan and UBS

ID 806933


Software Engineer at Zemoso Technologies.

ID 695547

Yerremshetty Rajesh

IIT Roorkee MBA(Operations)

ID 713236

s b s N Rao

Business Analyst

ID 655663

Nilesh Chhajed

Founder and MD at a technology start up Elevogue.com. I am looking forward to use this entrepreneurial experience at a vibrant technology start up.

ID 547455

Amit Kumar Singh

Product Manager, Lazada | IESE MBA | eCommerce, Digital Marketing, Technology, Private Equity, Internet | Worked @ UBS, Worked @ Infosys

ID 361024

Thomas Mathew

Co-founder @Labyrinth.io Strong software development background B.E. Computer Science, BITS Pilani, WIPRO Technologies, Lexicon Infotech

ID 823532

Kumar Anchal

IIT BOMBAY design grad, works at Microsoft as ux designer, co founder at two startups, winner of microsoft and infosys design awards, 10 years experience

ID 710768

Bikshama Reddy Ranabothu

MBA Graduate worked at vedams

ID 532975

Bhaskar Kandukuri

ISB MBA, built multiple customer facing e-commerce/web products for auto companies.

ID 573405

Sai Kiran Reddy

UX Designer

ID 771901

Shalini Dyundi

M.Sc from IIT Kanpur, Worked as an Econometrician in Bravo Lucy for 2+ years.

ID 466256

Ankit Jain

NodeJs, Redis, Mongo, ElasticSearch, Heroku, AWS. What else do you need to prototype fast?

ID 168332

Govind Jha

Seasoned technology & business consulting professional and ESADE MBA with international experience in IT transformation, business development,product management

ID 737748

Naren SriHarsha

ID 513576

Akshay Kumar

Worked at Amazon, Masters in Computer Science from IIT Kanpur

ID 154320

Prasad Chavali

Part of Technology Startups, Have a comprehensive development team and experienced in building enterprise web solutions.

ID 334840

Shiva Charan

More than 8.6 years experience in Concept Marketing, Client Servicing, New Client Acquisition, Branding, Collateral Design, Content Marketing,

ID 451969

Vishwajit Kolathur

Founder @inc42, @labyrinth-io • Worked at @microsoft • Studied at @bits-pilani-1

ID 526223

Nagamanoj Vankadhara

Studied at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IITB) - Working for Oracle India Pvt Ltd - Looking for more challenging job to utilize my skills

ID 291035

Bejan Jilla

ID 424000

Saurabh Singla

CEO and Founder Angular Technologies Pvt. Ltd. • Graduate from @indian-institute-of-technology-guwahati • Worked at @oracle-india-private-limited

ID 359356

Karthikeyan NG

Engineer with MBA degree, Senior Software Engineer on Mobile apps development, Can work on any platform/language, Willing to jump in anything interesting

ID 589058

Shoban Babu

Founder bsbabu enterprises • Studied at @indian-institute-of-science-bangalore

ID 669603

Shankey Tayal

B.Tech IIT Roorkee , Software Engineer at CA Technologies

ID 265112

Sri Harsha B

CEO of 42events. Business and Technology Enthusiast Headed Business Development and Operations at 2 start-ups. Played Leadership and Managerial Roles.

ID 608658

Rajiv Varma Nagallapati

Founder @cludoc-a-healthcare-network Founder @Natpix Design Studios , Co-Founder @coeconsult

ID 663110

Sonal Maheshwari

Masters in Computer Applications from NIT Trichy. Working IN D. E. Shaw & Co.

ID 365449

Rahul Sarika

CTO of 42events. Experienced corporate and startup environments. Passionate about solving real world problems. Holds a BTech and an MS from IIIT, Hyderabad.

ID 876915

Aditya Pappula

ID 691715

Vivek Likhi

A professional aiming for middle management assignments with Strategic Exposure in the domain of: Strategy, Client Relation Management, Project Management

ID 677901

Santosh Nomula

Syracuse University Graduate, with proven skills in the field of operations & supply chain management with 2 years hands on expertise in Business Development

ID 382298

Santosh Arjun Nuthanaganti

Product manager, MBA from ISB, technology enthusiast, Entrepreneur, worked at Nvidia and startups.

ID 804658

Devarajan G

Principal Architect at Wave Crest Payment Technology

ID 545657

Ayush Agarwal

Young & dynamic professional with relevant work experience & strong educational background in IT sector. Co-founded an educational startup having 2000+ users.

ID 715767

Manohar Kiran P Venkata

Software Engineer - Accenture-SAP CRM, Former President & Cheif Exec @ GEEKONIX (tech club of Techno India), B.Tech Techno India (Elec & Inst) 2012

ID 448283

Asheesh Varshneya

MBA student at Indian School of Business, Hyderabad and looking for Product manager roles. Have 4 years of Product Development experience at Microsoft and Adobe

ID 409085

Murali Apparaju

Life science business professional & blogger passionate about venture capital

ID 277813

Rahul Chaki

ID 134827

Gururaj Kasyap Bagath

Consultant at CubicsLabs Consulting

ID 473366

Bansidhar Bandi

Finance Associate at Steel Exchange India; Penn State Grad in Energy Finance and Economics; Previous Startup Experience

ID 703350

Shantanu Desai

Versatile, dynamic and multi-talented person, both technically and non technically.

ID 478299


Searching for co-founders, incubators and accelerators.

ID 287946

Rishi Mittal

Master Student at III-T Hyderabad ,Research Engineer@C-DAC(Govt.Of India), PG-DABC@C-DAC,

ID 521479


Jugaad Generalist - BITS(S/W) + EPBM-IIM + 12 Years in IT, Retail, Real Estate, E-Gov and Utilities domains

ID 577511

Sudarshan Y

Masters student actively looking for an opportunity in Software/Signal Processing /Image Processing and Video analytics/Embedded systems areas.

ID 246968

Paramesh Chindam patel

angel is great

ID 723856

Anhad Jai Singh

Two-Time Mozilla Intern. Pythonista. SysAdmin. Learner, Explorer. Open Source Enthusiast and Contributor. IIIT Bachelor's Computer Science '15.

ID 883151

Felicity Winstone

Marketing & communications specialist. 5 years experience. Worked with IBM, Virgin Money, B&Q, Waitrose, Osram & Tesco.

ID 840338

Garima Tuteja

ISB Grad/University Topper in BE, have extensive experience working in a startup (1st employee of Propalms), close to 5 years of technical expertise

ID 876819

Rishab Gupta

PGDM student at ABS, very sociable, worked with a start-up earlier, interested in exploring new and innovative things and ventures,Highly effective communicator

ID 506435

Vineet Kulkarni

Founder 135 Tech Labs. Worked @persistent-systems , @cisco-systems-1. Studied @north-carolina-state-unviersity

ID 634740

Raghu Teja Reddy Parvatha

Computer Science Graduate, Launched 3 Mobile Apps and 7 Google Chrome Themes, Worked for Infosys, Working on Automated car with mobile app integration

ID 545480

Suvro Ghosh

10 years experience in American Clinical/ Research System. Founder ClinZen LLC• Worked at @uthscsa • Studied at @jadavpur-university, @the-university-of-texas-at-san-antonio

ID 656639

Manohar Cherukuru

Working on physician enablement platform for Indian healthcare space. Worked as a strategy consultant in the medtech space. Studied at @bits-pilani-1

ID 369527

Abhishek Damodara

Founder of two startups. Enorgo and Code December.

ID 862257

Sree Krishna S

Looking to partner with Start Ups - Sales and management profile with over 11 years of experience in international and domestic markets.

ID 553391

Praveen Kumar

9+ Years of experience in Business analytics, Solution Architecture, Teradata and research and development.

ID 510774

Deepanshu Agarwal

ID 516762

Ankit Karki

Graduate from Delhi university,MBA,and worked in Deloitte US India as a Tax Consultant

ID 592329

Rishikesh Aripineni

Test Lead Worked with Motorola .Experience in working with start ups and setting up QA environment and hands on experience on tools/technologies/process.

ID 393786

Gadde Pavan Kumar

Seeking opportunities in Marketing and Analytics domain.

ID 469511


Software(Data) Engineer at Data Analytics company. Working experience on Text mining, Machine Learning. Skilled in Elastic Search, Coffee Script,Node.js,Python

ID 281524

Mahesh Kumar Jonnalagadda

UI, application design and development - web and mobile, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Android. Back-end development using PHP, Node.js along with MySQL/MongoDB.

ID 401689

Rajesh Medampudi

ID 21038

B Anjaneyulu Reddy

Co-Founder/CEO @evibe.in, one stop platform to find perfect party vendors •Worked at @knolskape •Studied at @BITSPilani •Eager to experiment & learn new stuff.

ID 261350

Sunil Bontha

Sunil Bontha Experienced entrepreneur with strong technology background

ID 864078

Sharan Hakkay

Student at St.Mary's. Have no experience.

ID 737751

Samyukta Kundu


ID 489558

P V Krishna

Worked in telecom Industry, willing to take initiative,

ID 360184

Tushar Shah

Founder @labyrinth-io • Worked at @lexicon-infotech-ltd • Studied at @birla-institute-of-technology-and-science

ID 729795

Yaman Jain

NIT Warangal CS, Software Engineer, Delivered two projects successfully

ID 23144

Ravi K Chava

Chemical Engineer, 20 years of professional experience in all facets of industry, Business Process Automation Consultant, Building Web Applications on Cloud

ID 691977

Siddartha Adusumalli

Software Developer at ExpertAlly Research Consultants Pvt Ltd, a startup company

ID 697557

Rajesh jaiswal

B-tech in Computer science from NIT Warangal.Programming skills in C,C++ ,Html/css,Mysql,good knowledge of Data structure,DBMS,Operating System,Computer network

ID 692438

Jibitesh Prasad

ID 203520

Kartik Aneja

Co-Founder Nayi Disha Studios

ID 878288

Venkat Rao

ID 340392

sneha roy

ID 215751

Raja Chandran


ID 39182

Abhilash Sandhyala


Investor in @20000.

ID 483633

Raviteja Jarugu

Founder @storesnoffers • Worked at @sumtotal-systems, @wipro-technologies and as a Freelancer• Studied at @university-of-mumbai

ID 741932

Ashwin Aggarwal

Javascript developer experienced in developing scalable, efficient apps and software in HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, Angular, Node, Express.

ID 874870

Sarosh Akula

Recruiting, Scheduling, Sourcing,Employee life cycle, Employee Relations, Performance Appraisal, Peoplesoft, Exit interview 

ID 253756

Tarun Mor


ID 344779

Amar Pratap Rama Murthy

Founder Tekworks Info Solutions

ID 597253

Seshadri A V

ID 627051

Mahendra Sengar

Software Developer

ID 268278

Praharshit Sharma

Coordinator-BITS Embryo, Summer Intern-SAIL, Group Leader-Creative Activities Club (CrAC) and Organizing Member & Core Member-Chemistry Association.

ID 475728

Deshpande Tanuj

Marketing, Product Management

ID 275238

Sourabh Chandak

BTech from Indian Institute of Technology(BHU), Varanasi; Working as a SDE in Bing ranking team at Microsoft India Development Center, Hyderabad

ID 780922

Anil Raj Vadangi

ID 308551

Sai S

Founder CWC • Worked at @agilent-technologies • Studied at @nanyang-university

ID 664089

Anshum Agarwal

ID 112427

Satyaakam Goswami

I work as independent Tech Consultant , i am looking for projects and ideas where i can involve as CTO or CEO.

ID 276409

Sripal Reddy Vindyala

Founder CEO&CTO @ Girik. Worked in USA for 4 years. Solid understanding of UI,Front-end,Back-end & Databases.Expert in scaling,algorithms,performance & software architecture. Hands on with Open Source & Microsoft Products.

ID 472702

Vamshavardhan G


ID 745723

olivier amprimo

ID 629950

Abdulsattar Mohammed

Full Stack Ruby on Rails, Go, AngularJS developer.

ID 338212

Jagadish Singh.R

#Recruiter with Passion | #Sourcing the Talented Super Stars | Sales Person with Positive Note | Leveraging #Social Media | #Open Networker

ID 698343

A.k. Hemanth Kumar

ID 171274

Hem Narayan

B-Tech + MBA (dual degree) from IIT. Worked with Tata's new venture in Aerospace - Tata Advanced Systems. Worked for Business Development and Program Management

ID 774373

Akshat Khandelwal

ID 194536


Founder JAY Internationals

ID 456379

Kiran Vadagam

A Digital Marketer, worked on several website including educational and service website.

ID 364681

Venkat Raju

Founder @9toppiks, 9toppiks • Worked at @appiq, @hp-software

ID 688671

Srikanth B

Front end developer, Graphic designer

ID 462047


Founder Trickonn • Studied at @jntu-college-of-engineering-hyderabad

ID 453970

Chenna Machireddy

Worked at Cisco

ID 222433

Sumang Gm

hi this is duman

ID 682691

Prathyush Kumar Manoharan


IIT Roorkee passout,Professional android developer,built already two apps available in Google Play

ID 729771

Saikrishna Rangineni

Node.js Developer, Developed server side code for an app using node.js, IIT roorke B.tech

ID 737761

NagamalleswarRao ila

Application Engineer II at Doctorc

ID 489678

kalyan aravalli

Software Engineer-1 year experience

ID 864290

Srajan Dongre

IITR CSE graduate, working at sumtotal systems LLC

ID 762924

Akhil Eda

ID 255065


Analyst @clickdesk MSc. Physics & B.E.(EEE) @birla-institute-of-technology-and-science

ID 322940

Debdatta Basu

IIT BTech with experience in DirectX, OpenGL, Android, GPU Computing

ID 508734

Swetha Kotha

Founder @wallpost-3 • Studied CSE @jntu-college-of-engineering-hyderabad Interested in New Technologies and Innovations

ID 710486

Navin Dinesh B

B-tech at IIT Roorkee, Strong interest in analysis and software. Good in programming languages(C, C++, Python)

ID 516013

Nayan Kumar

Co-founder @violetstreet-com • Studied at @bits-pilani-1

ID 588722

Ishan Aggarwal

Startup Zealot. Compulsive Dreamer. Kairos Fellow. Experiencing & Building @trippifyme.

ID 839182

Bhargavi Kommineni

Software Engineer Trainee at Keypoint Technologies, works on Keyboard app named Adaptxt. Graduation in Msc(Tech) Information Systens from BITS-PILANi.

ID 121162


Under-Graduation at BITS-Pilani; Strong mathematical background; Couple of international Publications.

ID 690583

Chinmay Jindal

Student Entrepreneur, Software Developer, Tech Geek, Hacker @storyxpress

ID 816687

Anchit Agarwal

BITS Pilani graduate; Information Systems; Working as Software Developer at Virtusa; Enthusiastic to make a difference

ID 563576

Niranjan Seelam

Engineering with MBA from best of the schools in Asia. 11 years of work across e-commerce, sports and education at senior management roles. Complete startup guy

ID 695610

Preet Sidhu

Graduate from BITS Pilani. A Business Technology Analyst at Deloitte.

ID 787051

Gnana Prasuna Reddy Desam

ID 315416

Selvam Palanimalai

Worked at @yahoo, @google-summer-of-code • Studied at @birla-institute-of-technology-and-science

ID 387474

Krishna Prahasith Josyula

ID 756256

Naveen Sethia

Design lead at Microsoft

ID 216668

Vijay Yellepeddi

Founder of Hippe. Python Full Stack Developer.Machine Learning Expert.Strong Tech Background.Builds Web apps for a Living.

ID 512889

Sreenivasarao Kosuru

M.Tech from IIT, Development manager in online gaming company, Project management and delivery specialist

ID 554940

Sanket Purohit

ID 867560

Venugopal Rao Tattari

Co Founder and CTO at @saddahaq Associate Analyst @deloitte-touche Security Analyst

ID 858991

Prateek Solanki

Interaction Designer from Domus Academy, Head of UX @ConceptNation - eCommerce + Social Platform | Interested in IOT, Design Strategy | Mechatronics Engineer

ID 263444

Syed Uddin

ID 650218


BITS Pilani gradaute, Played multiple roles of Business Analyst and Java Developer in a startup

ID 665473

Rakesh Valluru

Manager, Human Resources

ID 385498

kumar deepak

ID 260571

Sri Kanthreddy

ID 809562

Shruti Sharma

ID 835360

Aditya Sahay

ID 430522

Sasidhar Balu

ID 631795

Raghav Potluri

BITS-Pilani CS, Internships at Multiple startups

ID 867198

Tejaswee Thigulla

ID 793202

Abhishek Mittal

B.Tech in CSE from IIIT-Hyderabad, Former Intern at Hackerrank

ID 616674

Nitin Sharma

Swift Investigator, Initiated Swift Investigation Process, Generating lead of 50cr for ICICI SMEAG , Robotics project from RAD Innovation

ID 815346

Anish Kakaraparthi

i am passionate

ID 569922

Bipul Agarwal

Application Developer at Oracle India,Internship at IIT Mumbai

ID 614380

Guru Prasath Anandapadmanaban

Working at Broadridge Financial Solutions as Project Lead.

ID 506847

Vamsi K

BITS Pilani graduate, worked in companies like Amazon, Oracle, EMC and immensely interested in big data and cloud applications.

ID 136418

Kamal Prithiani

Experienced Developer, Designer and Program Manager at @microsoft including Bing.com, Advisor to multiple Tech Startups.

ID 875463

Avneesh Singh

Data Analyst and Consultant | Successfully implemented end to end analytics solutions for global retailers

ID 380316

Lohi Uppalapati

Currently working as a marketing Intern at Law Pundits & Klientas. Was elected and worked as President, Student Union at BITS Pilani and held various positions.

ID 667526

Jadhav Amit B

ID 234095

Deepanshu Dialani

ID 558981

Dalan Mendonca

Spam ninja at @facebook / undergrad from @birla-institute-of-technology-and-science - I love creating elegant things that solve problems and delight people

ID 562859

sai kumar

ID 393983

Prudhvi Chandra

Worked at @cambridge-silicon-radio • Studied at @BITS-Pilani.Editor-in-Chief ACM,BITS-Pilani Hyderabad Campus, Writer, Photographer, Programmer,Minimalism Freak

ID 477495

Yugandhar Piriya

5+ yrs of experience in Software Testing including diversified experience of Window-based, Web-based applications, Mobile apps and Database related tools. Diverse Industry experience in E-com, Healthcare, Finance, Transport, Retail domains.

ID 533334

Kiran Kaladharan

Research Intern at IIT Hyderabad, interested in Big data, Hadoop, java.

ID 263378

myAppsmyBusiness .

Entrepreneurial start-up in Mobile Apps for B2B. For details please contact me at [email protected]

ID 733116

M S N Karthik

Founder Filmtwine • Worked at @jda-software, @jaxl • Studied at @indian-institute-of-technology-guwahati • Designer, Musician, Filmmaker

ID 607155

vikash kumar

BITS-Pilani, Pilani Computer Science graduate looking for jobs in the Big Data domain.

ID 680268

Prasanna Kumar M

IT graduate from NITK Surathkal looking for an opportunity to start my career as Web Developer at innovative and challenging startups.

ID 448034

Pulkit Parikh

With Microsoft for 3 years. previously with Kritikal SecureScan and HP Labs. MS by Research from IIIT Hyderabad with a CGPA of 9.42 (/10), and four publications

ID 753123

Michael Joshi

B.Tech (IT) + MBA (IIM) + 1.3 years of entrepreneurial experience in education sector.

ID 23974

Krishna Madireddy

MBA with 10 years professional experience

ID 799632

Raniendu Singh

ID 594798

Sree Harsha

ID 515959

Sajid Anam

Visual & UI Designer

ID 150530

Harmeet Kawatra

CEO @servesy, a curated housekeeping services platform. Worked @google with consumer operations • Studied at Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya.

ID 427468


Worked at @vesag-health-inc • Studied at @jntu-college-of-engineering-hyderabad

ID 315821

Aditya Ramaswamy

IIIT Hyderabad CS , Keen interest in New Web Technologies , Semantics , Natural Language Processing , Data Mining

ID 417878

Ana K. Gonzalez

Ensuring Impact. Worked at @ebates, @sudiksha-knowledge-solutions • Studied at @uop

ID 737451

Anji P

ID 325691

Murty Eranki

Software developer and designer, hands on using Microsoft technology stack, R&D with new products and technologies, interested in open source, mobile & cloud.

ID 751197

Srikanth Reddy Julukuntla

ID 510506

Saravana Gupta

QA Manager, who has both the technical and business skills

ID 591604

Krishna Nandula


Full Stack Engineer.

ID 522531

Sujit Palukuru

Selenium WebDriver Expert, Created Frameworks for Automation Testing, Experience working in Product Companies, smart working capabilities, Worked at CA

ID 212952

Satya Padala

ID 663349

Suneeth Reddy

Senior Developer at Teleparadigm Networks Ltd. Twice worked for GSoC and IBM's TGMC.

ID 289093

Akash Chauhan

App. Engineer @oracle-corporation , Won first prize @ Yahoo openhack India 2012, won 2nd prize @InCTF 2011.

ID 705893

Nihal Ahmed

NIT Trichy B.tech graduate, Fresher

ID 539301

Rajaram Pittala

Senior Business Development Associate at InterviewBay; Marketing Co-ordinator and spokes person at Career Breeder

ID 609710

Gowtham Kumar Kolagani

worked as a class representative in four years of my b.tech

ID 137570

Satya Swaroop

JNTU (IT)-67%..Strong in C,C++,Java,Oracle,Android..Strengths are mold as per the environment,quick learner,positive attitude,good attitude

ID 724657

James Whittaker

B.Tech Fresher

ID 177699

shashi kant

ID 690325

Nikhil Joshi

Microsoft Student partner;Microsoft Certified professional

ID 875622

Avinash N

NIT Trichy CS, Full Stack Developer (Experienced in JavaScript and Java), Worked at Verizon and Oracle 

ID 852449

Ajit Bhardwaj

Trained at Nacre Software solutions

ID 760523

santosh kumar suru

Developer at crypsis technologies

ID 626327

Rajashekar Mara

NIT Surathkal MCA Graduate , Good knowledge in Algorithms

ID 380833

Sambasiva Rao Gali

Self motivated and hardworking java professional with 1 year and 8 months of experience in analyzing, designing, building and maintaining a range of applications that aids the business in meeting their goals. Have hands on experience involving all stages

ID 842852

Haranath Gorantla

3.9 years of IT experience in developing Web & Enterprise applications using J2EE, Grails and NodeJS.

ID 613192

Aggu Mallesh

MCA from NIT -TRICHY, 3years experience at IVY COMPTECH as Software Engineer

ID 546789

Aditya Shukla

NITK Surathkal MCA, full stack generalist, 3 years experience

ID 688384

Deepak Singh Negi

IIT Guwahati CS, launched 1 successful Android application.

ID 571103

Avinash Nuthalapati

CS Graduate from NIT Trichy; Worked at Verizon and Oracle on web and mobile technologies

ID 463910

Shashank Sahni

FOSS enthusiast, GSoCer, CTO, DevOp, co-founder of @linuxers and @aasaanpay. A basketball and coffee/tea fanatic.

ID 284149

Sathish Thoutam

Designer, developer in primarily web based applications using technologies like Java/J2EE. Development CMS, SOA based and Production Support.

ID 567882

Vikas Jethnani

Founder Doctl • Studied at @indian-institute-of-information-technology-allahabad

ID 599321

Rakesh Reddy Baddam

Founder of shoppingbaba

ID 570238

Vikas Kumar

Worked at @cognizant-technology-solutions • Studied at @indian-institute-of-technology-guwahati

ID 492517

sapa suresh

ID 818619

Shyam Vinay Kumar

Worked at TCS - Aspiring to be an entrepreneur - Launched few websites online

ID 674229

Sharath Varma

7 yrs exp,Distributor for 3M India,Hindalco-Novelis, SME, Contacts from varied industries incl. Aerospace,Automobile,Mining,MetFab,Traffic safety,Defence

ID 359764

Murali Bukkapatnam



ID 483737

Anurag Singh Rathor

Founder @zify • Worked at @wells-fargo • Studied at @sikkim-manipal-institute-of-technology

ID 886231

Hemant Kumar Sah

Founder @support-gurukul, Service Labs India Private Limited • Worked at @service-now-com, @oracle-india-pvt-ltd • 

ID 448755

Sharath Chandra

ID 707666

Devansh Shah

IIIT Hyderabad CS student researcher.

ID 664020

SwethaMadhu Padamati

Working on Java web based Application

ID 468710

Reddy Akhil Teja Gurramkonda

One of the core member in TECHNO-MANGERIAL Fest called "IDEEP"

ID 628782

Kunal Gupta

IITGuwahti CSE, Software Developer

ID 744770

Amar Singh

Software Engineer with good command over front end development

ID 532152

Ranjit Kumar karlapudi

Developed business reporting system in JP Morgan

ID 546713

Ravi Raja Konathala

Working from my college time. Worked at redcab.in, Unihalt Services.

ID 494813

santhosh kiran

Worked at @broadridge-financial-solutions • Studied at @international-institute-of-information-technology

ID 867518

Medhamsh V

Free Software | Debian Addict | Food | Bullet Rider | Film Making | Rationalism | Wikipedian | Stupid Common Man

ID 852089

Sateesh Peetha

Founder GreenAuto • Blogger@ dingg.org Worked at @standard-chartered-bank, @infosys-technologies • Studied at @nagarjuna-university, @andhra-polytechnic

ID 565181

Prashanth Prashu

Founder @youcanindia • Studied at @jawaharlal-nehru-technological-university, @sri-indu-college-of-engineering-technology

ID 220267

Narasimman Sairam

Anna University CS, 2 and half years experience as software engineer, worked on full stack

ID 696606

Pravin Kottawar

MTech IT NIT Surathkal, Working at oracle. Quick Learner and ability to work across multiple domains and teams.

ID 552060

Ajay Singh

RoR, Jquery, Backbone

ID 450882

Nishesh Mathur

I am involved in Overall Product Management & Strategy Deriving Growth & Vision for the organization Recruitment & Team Building

ID 806082

C Sneha

B.Tech third year student at IIT Hyderabad

ID 504867

Vishal Chitravanshi

Founder Doctl • Worked at @microsoft, @cisco • Studied at @indian-institute-of-information-technology-allahabad

ID 597892

Nitin Shashank

Masters from IIIT, good knowledge in web technologies, launched multiple facebook apps, worked on phonegap to develop android and ios apps, worked on Wordpress

ID 316314


MBA (Marketing and Finance)/ B.E. (Computer Science & Engineering) with 9 years of work experience in Technology Services, Account Management, Business Analysis and Program Management

ID 807770

Aman Anand

ID 475914

Harsha Yadav

Founder of @zoltsolar & @efficientcarbon

ID 518957

Srujan Kumar Kairam

Masters student at IIIT-Hyderabad

ID 358987

CH Janardhan Reddy

Janardhan Reddy - Your Offshore Delivery Partner, Advisor, Executive, Architect,Evangelist,Analyst & VC Assist

ID 739503

Shuchi Sharma

Marketing and Customer Strategy professional with 5 plus years of experience spanning over Customer Value/Loyalty Management, Business Analytics, Research

ID 577484

nithin singamsetti

Masters Student from IIIT Hyderabad

ID 349337

Ravindra Tarigoppula

Founder mFormance • Worked at @united-online, @ivy-comptech-partygaming • Studied at @motilal-nehru-national-institute-of-technology

ID 778000

Saksham Maheshwari

created 1 android app in college; Google Intern 2014 (Open Source).

ID 805231

arpita gupta

ID 569702

Saurabh Bhatia

Software Engineer,Startup Enthusiast,Interested in Open Source Softwares and Product Development ,Btech Computer Science

ID 599300

Sandeep Kumar Bypina

Good at Programming, M.S Pursuing Student

ID 542984

Nithin T

Masters student at International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad(IIITH). My moto is learning by doing

ID 626718


IIIT-H Electronics graduate, Analog & RF Design Engineer at Redpine Signals.

ID 742766

Chandan Singh

Backend specialist (PHP and Python), Drupal developer, Final year undergrad.

ID 716863

manoj kumar

Masters Student at IIIT-Hyderabad

ID 384626

Nishanth Reddy

Management Grad, Full-time business analyst, Launched numerous web, mobile apps worldwide

ID 64467

Janaki Pendyala

Founder Director/Happyweddings

ID 711267

Jeevan Chowdary

Founder Shoppers Express • Studied at @iiit-hyderabad

ID 847218

Vishal Gangwar

BTECH student of IIIT ALLAHABAD Stream: Information technology Got Job offer at TCS

ID 332863

Amar Wagholikar

Launched 4 iOS apps on the appstore

ID 227645

Kaustubh Narkhede

Worked at @rockwellcollins-india-pvt-ltd

ID 647294

Bhavaani Kakarla

Experienced Business Intelligence Analyst

ID 745232

Surabhi Singh

Looking for Internship / Full time opportunities in the field of Software Development

ID 526637

Anudeep Reddy Narem

Pursuing masters @iiit-hyderabad,Studied at jntu-college-of-engineering-hyderabad

ID 726116

Kamal Kumar

NLP/CL, ML researcher and Software Developer M.Tech from IIIT Hyderabad, have 1 year experience as software engineer at Camp Systems Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad.

ID 624941

hemanth kumar potnuri

A masters in information technology seeking to work with innovative start ups

ID 528391

Yogesh Garg

Selected for ACM-ICPC 2013 Amritapuri onsite round

ID 704028

sai siri parvathi

worked in the product development team in purchasing department. Part of the team behind launching two new models

ID 664148

raja palla

National Institute of Technology, Durgapur. B.Tech, Information Technology 2014. JavaSE, J2EE and MySQL.

ID 517356

Mahesh Kalakoti

Masters student at IIIT Hyderabad,Worked on different technologies as part of academics

ID 742048

Asha Kawale

2 years experience in Java/J2EE as a software developer in Polaris Financial Technology. B.Tech from premier institute, College of Engineering, Pune (COEP).

ID 375338

Nikitha Suryadevara

Software Engineer at ZeMoSo. Launched professional writing services startup, The Perfectionist. Worked at NXP Semiconductors and ISB.

ID 361873

Yezid Navas M.

ID 509918

Akhil Jindal

Interested in algorithmic coding and datastructures, CSE grad at IIIT-Hyderabad

ID 829182

Kashyap Kompella

ID 421336

Amrit Panigrahi

Founder @ad-vic-marketing • Worked at @hcl-technologies • Studied at @institute-of-technical-education-and-research

ID 171431

Sharan Girdhani

Worked at @indian-school-of-business • Studied at @international-institute-of-information-technology

ID 567999

Kartik Kohli

Honours student at IIIT-H; worked for college startups; looking for opportunities to work and learn

ID 394884

᠌Deepak Vig

Ruby on Rails Developer with 4 years experience in Web Domain.

ID 526563

Aditya Attili

Worked in various academic project as part of the course work on diverse technologies.

ID 736100

Sambit Nath

ID 509857

Mohit Aggarwal

Programmer and Software Developer

ID 600223

Sushma Maddipati

Masters Student at IIIT-Hyderabad.Working as an intern in a startup.Good at web development

ID 819634

Ankita Kumari

ID 674308

Balarama Raju N

Founder & CEO @coeconsult Board Member @cludoc-a-healthcare-network 25+ Years Experience in Software Industry.

ID 523739

Avinash Pothu

BITS Hyderabad/ ECE/ 2013.

ID 616113

Vinay Bhargav Reddy

Founder @bizykart • Worked at @ltrc-iiit-h • Studied at @iiit-hyderabad

ID 146059

Naveen Chintamaneni

CEO and Founder @kaddy • Worked at @cognizant-technology-solutions Interested in democratising education

ID 724788

Anshuman Vijayvargia

BITS PILANI Graduate, Working at Zemoso Technologies as a Software Engineer

ID 683858

Harsh Seksaria

ID 357918

Rishabh Raj

Two Time GSoC'er, Open Source Enthusiast and Contributor, passion to solve real world problems. Pursuing a Bachelor's in Computer Science, IIIT-Hyderabad '15

ID 676673

Nitya Kanchinadham

Qualified Chartered Accountant

ID 725915

Karshit Jaiswal

Final Year at B.Tech (IT) IIIT Allahabad.

ID 246583

M S Prakash Kumar Chakka

A start-up guy and a technology enthusiast.

ID 735192

limbadri rajalingam


CEO of Limbs Educational Software Developers, Hyderabad.

ID 597300

Animesh Shankar

MBA in Marketing, Plus engineering degree from BITS looking for a challenging role in a startup

ID 766158

Deepika Pachipulusu

ID 749412

Ramki Gaddipati

12+ years in software product development, entrepreneur

ID 682566

Nivedha Venkatesh

Working at D. E. Shaw, Hiring the best Techies

ID 490734


IIIT Hyderabad CS, Full Stack Engineer; Working at Bonaven(Subsidary of Venplx Inc, US Based StartUp)

ID 704767

Sudharsana t

Post graduation in Strategic Design Management from National Institute of Design

ID 803841

Srikanth Bezawada

Interned at Google summer of Code. Highly enthusiastic to make a difference.

ID 30072

Kisor Biswal

ID 702782

Tarun Khera

ID 669592

Amit Sarangi

Responsible for Program Management and Delivery excellence, Envision and design Programs & Tools to address business problems

ID 464436

Karupothula Sammaiah Goud

Founder ACCFIN SOLUTIONS • Studied at @osmania-university

ID 644293

Gaurav Duggal

12 year s of Extensive experience in R&D, Highly Scalable product development and Profit Driven Technology Solutions

ID 751163

GopiNath Tharra

Having a two years experience on developing C#,Ado.NET and ASP.NET applications. Looking for a good opportunity.

ID 771560

Aditya Shetty

3 years of experience in devleoping JAVA applications from scratch

ID 574433

naveen kumar nallapati

MS Student @ IIITH, Polyglot Programmer

ID 700097

Arjun Narasimha K

Core java developer and designer, Worked in product companies

ID 623062

Shadab Ravish

BITS Pilani graduate looking to be part of a passionate and committed team in the field of analytics

ID 595235

Shashank Tripathi

Software developer at S&P Capital IQ, IIIT Hyderabad CSE.

ID 878718

Gaurav Maheshwari

SDE with 2 years work experience in Amazon.com , Masters in Data Mining from IIIT Hyderabad

ID 639142

Venkata Sai KrishnaHareesh Daggupati

BITS-Pilani graduate willing to work in a challenging and fast paced environment.

ID 698684

Shraddha Bhaskare

Mobile Application Developer- Android, Worked at Dextr, Keypoint, Catalytic and Globallogic

ID 601630

Sandeep Thatikonda

Master's from IIIT Hyderabad , Full stack developer , Worked as Intern at NVIDIA

ID 141424

Manas.J Saloi

BITS Pilani CS Under Grad, Start Up Generalist. Worked for IOCL, redBus, Avaya, Kony in the past.

ID 850716

Yeswanth Tadikamalla

ASP.NET developer, Data Structures and Algorithms

ID 769862

Eavin AnTony

B.tech (EEE) at NITW, Tech Trainee at DRL, Pursuing PGDM

ID 420971

Sagi Avinash Varma

Front-End Developer, Web Template Designer, Team member in a few startups

ID 390619

Sai Vamsi KRB

Studied at @bits-pilani-1

ID 751818

vinod yeluri

I'm the Second Person at thinkplaces. So my responsibility is developing the product from end to end.

ID 482321

Shashank Paliwal

Have been working at Microsoft Bing for the past year.

ID 742104

Shantanu Dabas

Graduate from BITS Pilani having 1 year and 3 months of relevant experience

ID 447520

Tanuj Sharma

CS Major @IIIT Hyderabad. Software Developer. Love to Code. Quick learner. Technology Enthusiast. Looking to work in a startup environment.

ID 718773

Prithvi Reddy

CS @BITSPilani ::: Grad in May-2015 ::: Webmaster @BITSPilani Tech Team ::: Web Development, Cross-platform App Development

ID 523718

Rajan Pasupathinath

MBA in Marketing,6+ years in BFSI domain, 4 years of experience in Team Handling, Consulting and Business Setup for operations and process Management

ID 878420

Abhinav Kumar

Achievement-driven and High Performance Management Executive, seeking challenging assignments in Software Testing with an organization of repute.

ID 799870


Worked at KonyLabs made messaging App

ID 462193

Anubhav Srivastava

Computer Science And Engineering Student at IIIT Hyderabad

ID 559807

Devashish Dixit

Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi, Software Enthusiast, Working in Oracle

ID 246975

Bala Subrahmanyam Varanasi

Worked at @agiliq, @crypsis-technologies-pvt-ltd

ID 498924

Amogh Pradeep

Launched 1 successful android application, First first year to become a research assistant, Author at The guardian project,Love android app development.

ID 483054

yashasvi girdhar

Machine learning enthusiast, GSoCer

ID 517862

venkatesh Sedella

Masters Student at IIIT Hyderabad; Worked on several academic projects on various technologies

ID 780412

Rishi Raj

Google Summer of Code 2014 with GNOME, Teaching Assistant at IIIT Hyderabad,previous Intern at Citicorp, Developed core application for various small start ups.

ID 844767

Arun Pareek

Software Engineer, Published 2 iOS Application on App Store

ID 772211

Mayank Chutani

Working at Cognitive Scale, interested in Big Data, have experience in NoSQL databases and Graph databases.

ID 489342

Sujeet Buddiga

2014 grad Masters Student in IT from IIIT hyderabad

ID 575559

mukul jha


ID 862632

Ushashree Uppalanchi

ID 777617

Ankur Gupta

Working at Broadcom as Systems Software Engineer

ID 880315

Ganore Rahul Shree


ID 505238

Sambuddha Basu

Studying Computer Science Engineering at IIIT Hyderabad. Worked for many startups from university.

ID 728778

Tarang Goyal

Computer Vision Enthusiast. Pursuing honours degree in the field of Robotic Vision in Robotics Reserch Center of IIIT Hyderabad.

ID 545138

Rajasekhar Laveti

Masters student at IIITHyderabad specialization in Information Security. Secure Coder and developer. Proficient in Java and Web Development.

ID 848372

Chandrahas Neti

campus ambassador at HCL and willing to work in any software company

ID 396274


QA Analyst with 3yrs of extensive experience

ID 253938

Aneel Kumar Raju


Founder aneeldata • Studied at @vr-college-nellore

ID 882559

Sherin Michael

ID 702925

Deepmangal baraskar

National Institute of Technolgy Graduate, 1.5 years expereince in enterprise application.

ID 848215

Vandana Vijay

ID 553354

Bijon Roy

Indian School of Business (ISB) full time PGP (MBA), 12 years of experience in IT services and product management

ID 770287

Gayathri Poruri

IT Service Management professional with total of 11 years of experience in Infrastructure Management, Project Implementation, Support and Maintenance, People

ID 530897

Kedar Deshpande

BBA Graduate, Helped Startup Disside Design Studio, Sales and Marketing experience

ID 445954

Jairam Surakanti


ID 387422

Sayak Rana

BTECH Computer Science, 11+ years of experience, 7+ in Microsoft R&D, E-Commerce Startup, Ruby on Rails, Mysql

ID 729669

Purohith Guguloth

Fresher Graduate(CSE) from VNIT Nagpur Strong Mathematical Background, Problem Solving Ability, Developed a model for Key Management System as Final yr. Project

ID 647682

Ram Pulaparthi

VNIT nagpur, CS. Problem fixer. Automation specialist

ID 631242

Apoorva Harish

Coding Enthusiast looking for opportunities in PL/SQL, CoreJAVA development and is interested in a career in Big Data

ID 163803

Rishav Rastogi

Co-Founder Hitwicket.com • Worked at @iBloom Technologies, Multunus Software Pvt. Ltd.

ID 330758

Rahul Prakash

Certified SAP SD consultant with 1.5 Yrs of SAP Vehicle Management (SD), Implementation/Support Exp Plus 6 Yrs of Domain experience in B2B Sales of metal sector

ID 451716

Rajesh Mandala

ID 801222

sandeep kotla

Founder fictiontree

ID 687973

Srujan Akumarthi

Fresher graduated from VNIT Nagpur with good programming skills and AI projects.

ID 779805

Manish Aswani

Indian Institute of Information Technology - Allahabad

ID 6872

Vardhan Varma


ID 444132

Prashant Kumar

Worked at @stmicroelectronics • Futurist

ID 327189

Aditya Samdani

ID 418848

Waiz Wasey

Founder & CEO of Neuros. Medical Doctor by profession with good IT skills. Using these two sets of knowledge, looking forward to create something unique.

ID 736144

Raghu Dhulipala

IIM Cal Graduate with product management experience in social, mobile and gaming

ID 167091

Naveen Kumar

Worked at @9slides • Studied at @army-institute-of-technology

ID 276936

Ravi Varma

Founder @doers-guild

ID 779265

Sarangam Prahlad

MBA Fresher, Basic knowledge in Supply Chain Management,Financial Management and Analytics

ID 835944


fresher, strong background of c, c++, java, html, css, JavaScript, php, trainee at HP, and NTPC

ID 618054

saivikram shivasetty

MBA in FInance and Marketing with B.tech in Electronic and Communication Engineering

ID 745720

Nitish Mehta

Software Engineer at Capgemini India Private Limited, Experience in UI development(HTML and CSS), Willing to work in programming.

ID 318977

Aditya Gupta

CoFounder Social Samosa / CoFounder iGenero

ID 764024

Sridevi Rao

ID 724934

Surya Pratap singh

Working as an assistant tester by using automation tool FITNESSE.

ID 747179

Himanshu Tamrakar

Created many College Projects. Like Programming with well structured format. I try to solve problem with optimized way. I like studying new technology.

ID 414899

Ajay Kumar Pathak

BE in IT, Passion for entrepreneurship with strong business & technology foundation.

ID 880536

Karthik Jajam


ID 571033

Anurag Jain

ID 176466

Jagan Ganti

Product Guy, Marketer, Channels & Partnerships Manager. #startups

ID 745114

Aman Gupta

Love Programming, Strong Background in Java, Well Organized Coder, Computer Science Major

ID 883720

Pendyala Prudhvi

B.tech fresher with knowledge in C,JAVA,SQL

ID 788461

Uday Shankar

Having 6 Years of Experince in Marketing and Information Technology. Worked as a Management Consultant, Business Analyst and also as a Software Engineer.

ID 777214

priyanka singh

Looking for internship / full time opportunities in technical companies to test my skills, currently got a job offer from accenture, trainee at HP

ID 840197

Mukesh Jeengar

Sr. Software Engineer @TopTalent.in An exclusive pre-screened job site for top tier professionals.

ID 860003

Utkarsh Chourasia

ID 213737

Prasanth Balan Pillai

Over 10yrs of experience in Software development, digital marketing and Pre-Sales.Currently responsible for the project delivery in Australia region.

ID 373072

Pradeep Kumar Goudagunta

Worked at @nvidia • Studied at @indian-institute-of-information-technology-allahabad

ID 451737


Worked at @bizkinetic-1 • Studied at @gayatri-vidya-parishad-engineering-college

ID 377017

Shashi Prakash

Works at PayU Payment Pvt Ltd as Software Developer

ID 626282

Kirankumar Maharana

Kirankumar Maharana,B.Tech student at AITAM;Worked at Datapoint Info Solution Pvt.Ltd.

ID 579759

Akhilesh Sanem


ID 863178

Sachet Saurabh

Graduated from IIIT-A

ID 877121

Sahil mahajan

searching for analytics profile

ID 658296

Avish Munjal

BTech. in IT from NIT Jaipur,Experience of 2  years in java  technology using Spring framework and handling the foreign clients.

ID 610348

vivek verma

IIT graduate, GSOC qualified

ID 459042

Praveen Reddy

Had a company called Co-Makers, Worked with Vodafone and now working for United health Group. An innovator and killing ideas generator.

ID 576896

Avinash Parate

IITRoorkee, 8 yrs exp in Product development Software Engineer organizations

ID 806197

saurabh singh

hardworking and never giving up attitude towards my work. have done projects in field of NLP, Machine learning, databases, data mining

ID 743810

nikhil kumar

I am a graduate from IIT

ID 847220

Kamnee Maran

IT student of IIIT ALLAHABAD Got Job offer from accenture

ID 780497

Kshitij Tulsyan

Working at Microsoft.

ID 756275

Sanjeev Kanth

Business analyst- Sales, marketing and logistics; MBA in marketing and Systems 2005; Worked in Fujitsu and Commscope as functional analyst in SAP SD and SAP TMS

ID 759684

Mahesh Ghadage

Ruby on rails developer (1 year)

ID 260592

Avinash Ega

Full stack Generalist. Founder @ Pingjs.com

ID 611548

Ritu Shukla

B.Tech Student,Worked at 4TechBugs Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

ID 388727

Amit Kumar Goldy

Worked at @university-of-pretoria-1, @tarnea-technology-solutions • Studied at @university-of-pretoria, @university-of-allahabad

ID 757715

Ashwini Patil

Simple and Sweet....Don't take life too seriously. You'll never escape it alive anyway...

ID 725499

Shobhit shukla

I have done my Master of Computer Application(MCA) in 2014 with Experience.

ID 870162


Founder www.whatsoffer.in

ID 556587

Harshit Agarwal

Python Developer and currently working on Openstack

ID 732842

Govada Venkata Sandeep

Looking for job outside of India.

ID 496851

Yamanendra Kumar Gundapu

Sr. Software Engineer- Testing with 4.6 Years of experience in field of Insurance Domain. Strong Testing and domain practice.

ID 512652

Sateesh Kumar

Worked at @althea-health-inc as iOS and Android Engineer • Studied at @jawaharlal-nehru-technological-university

ID 802768

Ratnesh Sharma

I have completed B.E.(IT) in 2013. 1.2 year exp. in Web designing. Ratnesh Sharma 9014345237

ID 723363

Anuj Gupta

having 11 months working experience on .net mvc 3/4, jQuery & javascript, Google Maps API(including timezone API).

ID 709418

Lalit Kumar Jha

ID 287915

Chandramani Tiwary

Data Scientist Gainsight Worked at @amdocs, @wipro-technologies • Studied at @symbiosis-international-university

ID 382970

Nitish Gulati

Data Enthusiast | Analyst | Developer | Social Media Marketer | Seeking better opportunities in Development

ID 672571

Ρankaj Biyani

To contribute to the success of a dynamic and growing organization, to grow as an individual and demonstrate excellence in every aspect of my professional work.

ID 542689

Manoj Singh

Done internship from Paypal India as risk analyst intern.main area was analytics and forecasting.Working as an sap security consultant at Accenture .

ID 673690

Sai Ambati

Android developer at tanla solutions and certified in android OESF certification

ID 749191

Ankur Gupta

Java Developer in Polaris Financial technology Ltd , B.Tech from NIT, Jaipur , Excited to learn new technologies. 

ID 767753

Anshul Dixit

Engineering from NIT Jaipur. Worked at Deloitte Consulting. Currently working with Facebook.

ID 707206

Shubham Vishnoi

ID 484153

vineeth r gaddam

worked as analyst for close to 2 years and have background in to operations, travel freak

ID 765842

santhosh kumar

ID 528905

Puranam Pradeep Picasso

Founder ImbueDesk • Worked at @skill-matters • Studied at @jawaharlal-nehru-technological-university

ID 736714

Sunil Rana

1.5 years programming and application development experience

ID 695827

Karidi Prasanth

Looking for a opprtunity on Natural language processing,Machine Learning

ID 885073

srikanth yeleswarapu

ID 644336

Ashok Sahoo

ID 753324

Santosh Reddy Vuppala

Built a business around developing mobile Apps. Gone out of business. Looking to work for a company to learn and help

ID 630184

Raj Agrawal

Java Developer; Worked at Bank Of America

ID 644891

Vishal Anand

Works at Deloitte U S India

ID 705630

kishan singh

able to develop software

ID 852533

gokul bhargav

DID 4 projects

ID 619352

Akanksha Sinha

Vellore Institute of Technology IT, Worked as an intern at Qualcomm, Have good grasping and adaptibility.

ID 219514

Samridhi Shree

ID 878198

Jomy Joseph

ID 613772

Sagar Thakrar

ID 870075

Nikhil Kumar

Presently Working as independent web developer, developing responsive websites and also developed a web portal 'notifyu'

ID 605400

Sushil Kumar

An Enthusiastic Developer :) Currently working as Software Engineering Intern at Accenture Services Pvt. Ltd.

ID 555711

Balu Akula


ID 853018

ajith hasthi

ID 745223

praveen patlola

IIIT Allahabad,Programmer

ID 753189

Praneeth Kalluri

Launched 1 successful Android app

ID 347623


Software Developer working on Java

ID 661173

Vaibhav Verma

Works at Accenture.Internship at RAC-DRDO and Tao -Ed.

ID 561902

Somesh Nukala

Having 5 years of experience as Front-end Web Developer

ID 727287

Gadikota Mohan Raja

ID 612570

Somya Agarwal

Completed B.Tech in Information Technology, currently working in Accenture, actively looking for another job.

ID 445480

Archit Maheshwari

IIIT-ALLAHABAD, 6 month intern at amazon, worked on java, php. Interested in learning new and interesting problems

ID 576993

Rohan Kumar

B.E. (Computer), University of Pune. Business Technology Analyst - Deloitte, 4 months

ID 484286

Harish J Simha

Sr. Experience Designer @autodesk • @pubmatic | Mentor at various startups | Passionate self taught designer. www.harishsimha.com

ID 753190

Heena Lulla

Quality Analyst with 3 years of experience

ID 377793

Siddhartha Thadiparthi

Fresher from MSIT, worked as an intern at RGUKT,IIIT,Hyd and developed an application

ID 525256

Khaja Naquiuddin

ID 866280

Pulukuri Benai

SEO/SMO/SEM/Guest Posting/Content Writing

ID 868306

Shalabh Mittal

Currently Project Engineer at Wipro. Background - CS with >70%(JIIT), Developed 3 android apps(Geo Location Tagging, Andromark, Commuting Made Easy)

ID 280612

Ashok Reddy Gudibandla

Entrepreneur, Product Management, Positioning, Fund raising, SaaS

ID 550952

Asar Dhandala

Worked at @zoik-it-1

ID 726198

Vibhor Srivastava

MCA Fresher having 4 Months of Relevant Professional Experience.

ID 157641

Karthik Indurthi

Founder ODALAY • Worked at @infosys-technologies

ID 791723


Director - XIVE Group • Worked at @ibm, @csc • Studied at @xlri-jamshedpur-1 • Technology & Solutions expertise

ID 521400

Srikanth Chakravarthy

Founder at Content Wiki, working as Content,digital marketing,SEO at Sunsanis.com and Meraneed.com

ID 772400

Piyush Kumar Chauhan

Software Intern at OpenText. Having good grasp on Core Java, Web Services, JSON, JUnit and C.

ID 366942

Vamsi Krishna

Founder 9toppiks, @9toppiks • Worked at @appiq, @hp-software

ID 570088

lokesh reddy

Majored computer science at JNTU,pulivendla

ID 878165

Vishal Goje

ID 655161

Dhruv Sharma

ID 241526

Ruchika Kar

Founder GroupShoppy • Studied at @utkal-university

ID 500914

Srihasa Samudrala

Founder @zupit • Worked at @icici-lombard-general-insurance-company-limited • Studied at @chaitanya-bharathi-institute-of-technology, @institute-of-management-technology-nagpur

ID 481431

Ramprakash B.R

Worked at @wipro-technologies, @zepo

ID 480410

Satish V Madala

CEO & Founder of Satinos Technologies Private Limited; Open Source enthusiast; Technology Geek.

ID 791746

Abhisek Mazumdar

Founder,XIVE Group, Alumni of XLRI, with 10 years+ of experience in Pharmaceutical Industry. Served organizations like Eli Lilly, Indegene and Novartis.

ID 683006

Manoj Kumar Singh

VIT Vellore Btech in CSE,PayPal as Risk/Data analyst,Accenture,SQL,SAS,TERADATA

ID 621911

Shanti Swaroop Swain

Software & Web Developer. Experienced & Creative • Worked at @microsoft Corporation • Studied at @National Institute of Technology Rourkela

ID 641481

Vishnu Kasi reddy


Founded Ybrant Enterprises

ID 769625

Sindhu Krishna

ID 508918

Ravi Warrier

ID 884820

Vinay Kumar Oukuri

Have good experience with .Net web development technologies.Looking to grow in freelancing carrier.

ID 417332

Satya Vasireddy

Founder lovelychocos • Studied at @university-of-ballarat

ID 684218

Gaurav Chaudhary

Associate Software Engineer at BostonLogix (India) Pvt. Ltd.

ID 326715

lakshmi sindhu gorantla

graduate 2013 |Enthusias|Learner | Occasional Traveler |Aspiring |inspiring| fashion lover| business and politics are my interest

ID 886155

Siri Permi

just a begginer,but has best working experience with wikipedia,good at many programming languages,wanna be a best developer in future

ID 452669

Karthik Yanamandra

Founder @guruhub-informatics

ID 392358

Aswani Kumar

Founder of MicroPyramid. Computer Graduate, with diversified knowledge in technologies. Python, dango, IOS, php, Linux, mongodb.

ID 538272

Anagh Vijayvargia

Founder @avjlabs • Worked at @zupit, @wipro • Studied at @rajasthan-technical-univeristy-kota

ID 690548

Ankit Mishra

Entrepreneur, Tech Geek, Ideator, Social Media Enthusiast, Dreamer, Hustler @storyxpress, Writer @youthdiaries

ID 194110


CS Grad, Worked on multiple startups, Bat (Mobile) Man, Product Dev Black Ninja.

ID 886228

Ratnaji Rao N

ID 876650

Anil Kumar Gupta

Data analysis and planning

ID 730356

Ankit Jain

Conceptualized and Launched website, Marketing and Creativity implementer, Thinks differently

ID 838717

Sridhar Mocherla

Software Developer, interested in the whole stack.

ID 854742

Flt.Lt. Sridhar Chakravarthi Mulakaluri

Seasoned operations professional with work experience in Indian Air Force, Manufacturing, IT, KPMG, Hospitality and education verticals.

ID 865862

Ravi Rathi

Worked on setting supply chain for customers like Boeing and Lockheed

ID 496622

Krishna Kotla

Software Engineer, iOS, C++, Unix, OpenGL. Worked at D.E.Shaw & Co

ID 606331

Gopi Trinadh

Worked at @tata-consultancy-services • Studied at @gitam-college-of-engineering

ID 808857

Anup Yadav

Skills - Node.js,Javascript,HTML,CSS

ID 690579

Mudit Tanwani

Tech Entrepreneur, Product Developer, Creative Geek, Design Enthusiast, Co-Founder & Hacker @storyxpress

ID 620103

Raghu Gudipati

ID 379066

Arnav Sharma

MS Student at LTRC-IIIT-H; Technology enthusiast; Worked at an early stage startup for two months; Quick Learner;

ID 492728

Prembabu Panchadara

MCA from Andhra University, Interned at Nacre Software Services, Working at The Egghead Creative software Pvt.Ltd.

ID 199287

Rahul Nath

Worked at @hp, @l-t-infotech-1 • Studied at @nss-college-of-engineering

ID 493651


Worked at @the-egghead-creative

ID 501186

Manikantha S

Founder Filmtwine

ID 570639

Rahul Ranjan

Final year B.Tech Computer Science student, seeking an opportunity to work on newer technologies preferably in a startup.

ID 101345

Hemanth Kumar Muppala

Store Inventory Controller

ID 552137

Madala Bharath Kumar

Founder Tacky Root • Worked at @satinos

ID 838046

burla balaram


ID 167965

Harish Cholleti

Founder iD'sign Technologies • Worked at @infotech-enterprises

ID 727157

Yash Rastogi

MCA from SRMCEM looking forward to join Startups so as to polish my knowledge.

ID 872287

Ramachandra Kulkarni

Helped in building the brand of our company through the presence on internet like website, social media, online marketing. 

ID 861156

Avishek Jana

Product owner of a portfolio of 9 SaaS based Web & Mobile solutions, MBA (NITIE) with 3.5 years of experience in Enterprise IT product and services

ID 366874


Co Founded 9Toppiks.com. Worked @hp, Geometric, Infotech

ID 486568

Sumit Jadhav

Studying B.Tech Mechanical Engineering with Honors and minor in Entrepreneurship at IIT Hyderabad

ID 595353

Vishwarath Reddy

Co-Founder at StudentLive, 1st startup out of university. Competent business, marketing and media background.

ID 638518

Hussain Malik

Fresh Graduate from Thapar University, India. Quick learner, team player, energetic and looking for a great platform to make my mark.

ID 433619

Vini Katyal

Extremely proficient software engineer with a curious mind coupled with a deep passion for start-ups

ID 729115

Vamsi Reddy


Engineering graduate with a fetish for startups. Worked as an analyst(Potentia), interned as Business Development Executive for Ozone Experiential Technologies.

ID 593201

Prateek Mittal

PAT @cts || Freelance ROR Developer || Great Interest in API Development || Senior Undergraduate NITRR

ID 172447

Sampath Rao

Hardworking, committed and optimist

ID 702929

Rohit Agarwal

Java Developer with 4.5 years of experience

ID 419401

Meka Jaswanth Datt

Founder @h-wlnotifys-1, höwlnotifys • Worked at @sofware-developer, @hyundai-motor-india-engineering • Studied at @aurora-s-engineering-college

ID 809053

Usha Kiran

I have good knowledge on Java,SQL,HTML

ID 798847

Naga Jyothi Kiran Busam

2+ Years Experience In Campaign Management

ID 729900

Kasyapa Malladi

Three and half years of experience in everything that goes into positioning a software product, understanding the business impact and being part of a solution.

ID 829274

Aditya Gaurav

ID 465121

Santosh reddy

Final year computer science undergraduate at IIT Ropar. Worked as a software developer intern at @thinkplaces .Passionate about building startups.

ID 376598

I pradeep charan

Founder RyMM • Co-founded @streamicon with @shaik-naushad in college, Worked at @contenterra • Studied at CVR college of Engineering

ID 471110

Vishwaraj Anand


Working at Microsoft, Software Developer with Developer Division

ID 556322

Shashidhar Don Thiri

ID 677944

Vanteddu Teja

IIT Mandi mechanical graduate, passionate in product design and mechanical modelling

ID 745740

Aaditya Sharma

Entrepreneur, UX Designer, Full stack Developer, Ad operations specialist

ID 886443

Prerna Dubey

Associate engineer at Kony Labs.

ID 315660

Gaurav Shajepal

NIT Jalandhar Biotech , 2014

ID 819493

Gautami Maddula

Recruitment Specialist @ Indeed India

ID 882531

Jatin Tiwari

Oracle certified java programmer

ID 184532

Srikanth Chakkilam


EVP-Marketing @cigniti-technologies. VP-Marketing @chakkilam-infotech, Intern @usc.

ID 174031


Studied at @gokaraju-rangaraju-institute-of-engineering-technology

ID 768761

GSK Siddhartha

Willing to work in a mortgage Banking services firm. I worked as an associate analyst in Products and Pricing team

ID 840124

divya porwal

B.Tech 4th year Student at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad Content writer at ICSTC AND Social media manager at ICSTC

ID 872875

Aman Verma

IIT Hyderabad CSE. Worked as an intern at Amazon as SDE. 

ID 334182

kiran sundeep konathala

ID 458081

Satya Siva Sundar Mangipudi

ID 342864

Shashikanth Reddy

The tech guy and cofounder at Svaad

ID 813257

Vasanth Reddy Tumati

student of CSE India Institute of Technology, Interested in learning and working to maximum possible levels

ID 334074

Nikhil Kumar Gupta

ID 347218

Venkata Krishna Bandla

Full stack Web Developer at Igenero

ID 188111

Khemchand Gujjar

Placement Coordinator TPC IITH; Former E-Cell Student IITH; Event Manager and Secretary at E-Cell; Hostel Representative and Mentor at IITH

ID 862730

Anjali Saini

Software Engineer at Accenture with more than 1.5 year of experience in Functional Testing.

ID 429128

ramyasree ambati

ID 175848

Abhiram A

Worked at @interviewstreet, @gnome-gtg . Intern at Axelerant.

ID 341833


An avid reader, fun-lover and a startup enthusiast. Co-founder @ svaad

ID 790100

Ankit Chand

Looking for some place where innovation doesn't have limits.

ID 886598

akash garg

ID 604242

Neha Choudhary

2.2 years of experience in software product development. Mostly in front end technology. Familiar with little bit Java.

ID 768500

Srivani Durgi

B-Tech from NIT Delhi

ID 839112

Ravi Gupta

B.Tech. IT, 2 years experience with Infosys, Looking for Mobile & Web development roles

ID 651330

AvIn@$H $iNgH

Associate software engineer having 24 month experience

ID 272744

Srikanth Mylavarapu

Creative, passionaite

ID 386242

Vijay Akkaladevi

Software Developer engineer in Test, Expert in run time testing

ID 791742

Wg Cdr Mohan Satish (Retd)

FINANCE CONTROLLER Indian Air Force January 1985 – December 2009 (25 years)

ID 454092

Bharadwaj Srigiriraju

Computer Science Graduate from IIITDM Jabalpur, Pythonista, built websites using Django, loves working on full stack.

ID 465018

Gayathri Naik

Software Engineer at IVY, aspiring to work in core product development and explore new horizons

ID 322649

Sanjeev Dhavala

ID 496665

Phani Raj K

Software Product Manager, Built Consumer Apps for Media and Mobile, Data Analytics app for enterprises.

ID 543205

Sudhir Suguru

Working at @fission-labs

ID 741589

Alen Abraham

ID 854492

Prathyusha Garre

ID 120189

Rajesh Akkineni

Founder @vimukti-technologies, @ecgine

ID 605430

Gautham Ramachandran

Graduate from JNTU.

ID 211442

Dhruva Teja

Entrapreneur, UI/UX designer, movie buff, Co-founder at http://www.svaad.com

ID 682493

Akhil Sai

Love Programming, Interest Towards Information Security

ID 544258

Prabhat Kumar Mishra

B.E student at PDACE,Gulbarga,Java Developer

ID 751410

Mallikarjuna Mullangi

ID 165880

Sourabh Agrawal

Founding employee of 2 Startups; one in digital media technology & advertising space (@deltax) & other web services wing of @directi group

ID 403911

Bharadwaj Ramraj

ID 506618

Srinath Alluri

Srinath Alluri Windows Admin , Jira Admin, Desktop Support

ID 696245

Chandra Shekhar M

B.Sc with 10yrs Experience in Adminstration

ID 783375

sridhar duggi

Computer science engineer from IIIT-hyderabad . with 5 years of experience in various technologies . Self starter and team player

ID 771539

Avinash Reddy P

Working as java devoloper

ID 768574

lavanya undapalli

ID 768635

bharath kumar

Student at mallareddy institute of technology and science .

ID 772344

Saif Mohammed

Journalism Grad, Digital Marketing Keeda, Worked on Google projects. Social Enterpreneurship and Technology ? Oh yes !

ID 780210

Amit Mourya

Html5 bootstrap angularjs

ID 884970

Allu Virajay

MBA ( Marketing ) from tired 2 B-School with 1 year of work experience with hard core sales and Key account management 

ID 780599

Pulla Reddy Kalasti


Founder Sri Balagi medical agencies

ID 768525

Idris Saleem Malik

I am hacker...

ID 234411


Founder saminfo • Worked at @wipro-technologies • Studied at @mallareddy-college-of-education

ID 535429

Ravikanth Laxmana

Worked at @imimobile, @intense-technologies • Studied at @university-college-of-commerce-and-business-management, @indian-institute-of-management-and-commerce

ID 779549

samhitha reddy

ID 873666

Santhosh Gundlapalli

Have 3 years of experience in Quality Control. Looking for a more competitive job.

ID 881331

Swetha Mallika Gunturu

Trained as Data Scientist at IIIT Hyderabad

ID 772520

jainendra tarun

Worked as web developer, Worked at Qualcomm as driver developer for Qualcomm SOCs, strong in C/C++, OO design, data-structures and algorithms.

ID 432521

Nageswara Rao Gadamsetty


Investor of Friendsmoo

ID 802954

Venkat Reddy

ID 772263

Javeed Ahamed Shaik

Mechanical Engineer, Wannabe Business Tycoon, Worked as GET, Successful event organizer.

ID 489708

Arun Sharma

Worked at @infosys-technologies • Studied at @maharaja-surajmal-institute-janak-puri-new-delhi,c/c++/c#,php, html5,css3,php,js,jquery,etc..

ID 872588

Praveen Kumar

worked in OpenText as intern.

ID 752169

Adil Mohammad

ID 762648

Praful M

ID 760666

Abhishek Sharma

ID 769670

Armaan Azaad

B.Tech Graduate from JNTU-Hyderabad; Computer Science Engineer; An Extrovert; Passionate Workaholic Guy.

ID 793209

Athiruban S.M.

Studied at MEPCO engineering college and worked at Cognizant Technology Solutions

ID 764068

balla prashanth

ID 765861

Shoeb Oman

A result oriented professional with 4+ years of experience in Internet Advertising. Very enthusiastic, career-oriented person, loves to take new challenges.

ID 762530

Neha Verma

ID 759007

Santosh Aditya Manta

ID 764287

pankaj chhabra

ID 765977

Pritam Pany

ID 758693

Rakesh Kumar

Software Development Engineer at Amazon Studied at IIIT-Allahabad

ID 769767

Rudra Naik

IIT Madras Dual Degree Engineering Design and Automotive, Applications Devloper at Oracle IDC Hyderabad

ID 757531

PS Reddy

ID 768464

Divya Surana

Experienced research professional interested in taking up challenging and learning opportunities

ID 767451

suresh guvvala

ID 752916

ashwin d.k.

ID 764949

Krishna Karthik

ID 767362

Srikanth Pb

Fundoo slots , analytical tool

ID 755046

Rakesh Nair

Delivery Manager with Magnaquest Technologies, Overall experience of 10+yrs & ITIL certified.

ID 801976

Nabeel K. Adeni

ID 798899

Najib Hasnain

ID 749494

Gunjan Sharma

Computer Science graduate. Software Intern in OpenText Technologies.

ID 794005

Hima Bindu

I am a graduate, presently working as a freelance content writer and looking for full time entry level position.

ID 746027

Ishan Bose

ID 741171

bitla venkat

Javascript Developer

ID 795096

Mohd Mukarram

founder at newtechtricks

ID 801885

prasanna chidire

Graduate of IIT Madras, participated in Indian National Mathematics Olympiad

ID 744308

Sunil Xagzy Gubbala

NIT mizoram passout

ID 749213

surendra kumar chunduri

ID 799297

Aditya Prakash

ID 740624

Arvind Yadav

ID 741817

Hemanth Abbina

Principal Software Engineer, with 8 years of extensive experience in design, developement of network security monitoring and management applications.

ID 801386

Rohit Prayaga

Programmer at a startup company, Thorougly trained in all programming skills at CMC Limited. Strong education background (St. Paul's High School)

ID 742146

Dhanavath Ramesh Naik

ID 798855

Nagarjuna Reddy Arjun

ID 794685

Manoj Chiriki

ID 799243

Bipratim Saha


Founder InkioLabs, khsfd • Worked at @think-design-collaborative-pvt-ltd • Investor @twitter, @sprinklr

ID 794770

Rahul Dongare


+13 years of experience in software and finance fields in various roles Excellent understanding of state-of-the-art technologies and market conditions

ID 796877

Ashwin Nandapurkar

BTech from IIT Hyderabad, 3 Startups till now- one failed, one paused and one working, work very well in business development and marketing.

ID 806937

krishna chaitanya janga

ID 722505

Joao Paulo Faria

ID 729950

Anudeep Kumar Nakka

A Self- Starting, Highly motivated individual, seeking an opportunity to be a part of an organization that inspirits innovative thinking

ID 725019

Shivam Lohtia

Studying CSE @IIT Hyderabad. Interested in Mobile App development.Demo of windows game I developed http://bit.ly/XyQXD3

ID 807620

Sachin Agrawal

ID 812142

Varsha Teratipally

ID 810830

Santosh Kumar Vadrevu

IIIT-Hyderabad CS, worked as Software Developer Intern at Samsung Research India, developed face recognition attendance system for university.

ID 730094

Sumit Gulati

3rd year CSE student at Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology interested in Data Structure and Algorithms.

ID 804270

nikhil sonwane

ID 723777

Vamshi Krishna S

IIIT Allahabad, India.

ID 810693

Deekshitha Reddy

ID 727253

Yadvinder Bhatia

Strong Innovator and extremely market focussed

ID 802300

Zain Azam

ID 808983

Unnikrishnan V

Ad Operations as a career is my game. Love to code as a hobby. Working for Google, Doubleclick Support @ Hyderabad

ID 725522

Gaurav Barthwal

MCA, with 1 year 2 months exp as part time PHP trainer

ID 740559

Akshay Sharma


Founded WeKnowVenues, worked at NowFloats, also a law graduate.

ID 734437

abhineet saxena

Engineering Graduate with 4 years of experience in QA

ID 722491

Murali S Iyengar

C, C++, Python, telecom

ID 738688

Gursharan Singh

CSE Hacker @IIT Hyderabad National Winning Team, Microsoft HackCon 2014 (India's National Hacking Contest) Profile: http://in.linkedin.com/in/g8xsu

ID 724048

Kavitha Krishna

ID 724862

Deepak Mohanty

ID 823711

sravan kamidi

ID 813437

Vinod Kumar Yadav


ID 819387

mahesh kuchipudi

Test Engineer with expertise in various automation tools

ID 706923

Zoheb Khan

ID 706252

Sourabh Surana

IIIT-H - CSE, Experienced Database Engineer, Avid programmer, Building High Performance Systems , eager to learn and apply.

ID 722584

Padmabushan Reddy

ID 822830

Utkarsh Sinha


Learning everyday + Venture Capital & Private Equity

ID 710693

sudharshann a

ID 814145

Prashant Gupta

ID 723122

Aref Kashani

ID 821023

rachapudi sairam

Creative Andriod Developer

ID 709065

Goutham Reddy


MBA graduate from Indian school of Business. Set up and run an agri based company prior to MBA. Also set up a company in West Africa, primarily into mining

ID 821010

sujith kumar

ID 710446

uma maheshwar

Completed my IPG course (dual degree with B Tech + M Tech) at ABV-Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management.

ID 713836

Sambuddha Basu

ID 722661

Sukesh Dharmapuri

MBA from IIT Roorkee and desirous to start my career in a startup.

ID 714103

Chandbasha Shaik

ID 718857

Lakshmi Renuka

ID 820310

Ram Mohan

Proactive,energetic and result-driven Individual contributor from NIT(REC) with 6 Yrs(Java/J2EE,Spring,Webservices(REST),Cloud,MBaaS) of Product Development Exp

ID 698643

Hema Sravanthi Molagavalli

ID 694325

Subram Kapoor


Co founder, Beam Telecom, India's 4 the largest ISP... Exited to private equity investors in 2013 ...

ID 701402

Ramasharma Tangirala

ID 827067

Manjusha Gangineni

ID 703829

Pradyumna Yarramsetti



ID 700000

Venkatesh Reddy Kasirala

Fresher looking forward to achieve something in life ,I work to learn .

ID 701831

vamshi krishna

got a work inonline gambling site

ID 694423

Kalyan Kumar

Complete MSIT and looking for a job where I can learn while achieving organizational goals

ID 697366

Pavan Kumar Reddy M

Founder & CEO of NeoLabz IT Solutions Pvt Ltd

ID 691707

Chitersen Yadav ( Sen )

HR and business development expert , Jack of many trades master of few , entrepreneurial drive

ID 831217

Srihari Thalla


Founder @DAXPressMedia, #Blogger, Love to read Stories of Bloggers & Entrepreneurs, Strives for a #BetterWeb

ID 701388

Sujatha Rayankula

excellent in asp.net mvc and asp.net,c#.net.Successfully completed 4 dotnet projects.

ID 697109

Seenu Chowdary

ID 827128

Gaurav Kumar

.NET techonolgy stack developer from SSIS to MVC and from Biztalk to MVC.

ID 697140

Asmita Misra

Strategic Design Management, UX Design, Product Design, Research, NID

ID 830364

Prashanth Gundla

Angular JS

ID 827371

Prem Sagar

ID 825088

S Philip

ID 692148

Dhirendra Palla

I am a OCWCD. With good programming and presentation skills.

ID 826773

Shubham Choudhary

ID 690604

Luqmaan Taha Siddiqui

ID 688750

Sravanthi Sravas


ID 834875


To obtain entry-level position in the company which provides scope to satisfy myself and give the benefits to my workplace.

ID 840013

Naga Sudheer

ID 676953

Vamshidhar Bandi

ID 680303

Naveen Durga

ID 688841

rajesh s

ID 686451

Sachin Kumar

IIT Hyd grad class of 2K14, Interested in Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Special functions in mathematics

ID 834893

Naveen Kumar Matturthi

ID 683798

Ankit Rai

Ankit kumar Rai, Worked at Logic Prog Technologies, Designed 3 successfull websites

ID 690387

swamy kala

I had submitted an international paper in Btech final year itself... This is my achievement

ID 678426

Mohamed Ghouse

ID 679675

Vishwaraj Anand

I am working with Microsoft as of now and am keen to work with some of the promising budding up firms.

ID 686157

Roshan James

BITS computer graduate , good at web development and content. Coming up with good marketing and statistic plans
http://www.finance webinars.org

ID 687959

karthik reddy


ID 846181

Santosh J

more flexible to work in any platform or technology and highly intereseted to work with cutting edge technologies.

ID 679903

vivek dadu

ID 846382

Ajaiy Tyagi

ID 846183

Gireesh P

Handling assignments of Sales and Marketing management / Business Analysis / Product Management with a reputed company in Hyderabad, India.

ID 844475

Tarun Agarwal

ID 850278

Neelakanteshwar Rao M

ID 852544

Vinay Bonkuri

UI/UX Designer Fresher

ID 661680

Col (Retd) Ansu Joseph

ID 852371

deepak valusa

 working as the FEST COORDINATOR (Event Coordination & Conduction) for the college cultural fest SPRINGSPREE-2015, South India’s second largest cultural fest. 

ID 853381

Srivani Chebiyyam

ID 671598

Siddharth Dave

Full stack expert generalist infrastructure engineer. Currently with Microsoft.

ID 671485

Ramya krishnasamy

Software testing beginner

ID 847090

manoj kulkarni

ID 675488

Akash Subudhi

IIT Hyderabad, Mechanical Engineering, Papers submitted for publication, A pro in MATLAB

ID 854777

Surya Balijepally

ID 850762

devendra chandak

6 months intern in Unicare Pharma, Pune

ID 674158

Vinod Kumar

Looking for a job

ID 850524

Madhusudhan K



ID 672793

rukmini priyadarshini

ID 674505

Jaber Khan

ID 849314

vinay kumar valluru

ID 848578

Sravya Neeli

Pursuing MBA in marketing, strong writing, analytical, communication and networking skills.

ID 674036

Girish Sarwate

ID 850700

Mallikarjuna Rao B

Undergraduate at BITS PILANI. CS Enthusiast. Interned at Mysmartprice.com

ID 848099

vinukonda praveen

iOS Developer, nearly 6 Apps in Appstore

ID 647249

Sai Ram

ID 862647

శ్రీను క్రిష్ణమనేని

Android Developer

ID 856537

Sagar Agarwal

ID 862803

Sriharsha kothamasu

ID 863123

Surya Prabha Vallae

Masters in English, intuitive Product Manager

ID 856324

Amarnadh Mallimoggala

ID 864770

Sankeerth Raghava

ID 646524

Balarka Teja

JNTU affiliated , Team Leader , Ready to startup retail and outsourcing units

ID 647243


CSE, MS (by Research), Search and Information Extraction Lab, IIIT Hyderabad, India

ID 652619

raghu gadwala

student IIIT-H..s/w engg ...ACTOR..:)

ID 864033

Bhargav Chowdary

Launched 7 iOS applications successfully

ID 861079

ravindra naik

iPhone developer, Web developer, Wanna b Tech geek

ID 648471

Ravi Teja

Successfully completed my degree at IITR with a decent percentile. Launched and maintained two products at CAMP Systems.

ID 861672


Require an opportunity to prove myself..

ID 650758

Sangram Kesari Ray

ID 861765

Santhosh Ejanthkar

ID 647177

Satya Sailendra

M.Tech fresher

ID 659505

Kartik Verma

I am a Google Student Ambassador at Google and also done some work on the Epic Browser. Also a Google Rising Star

ID 655075

Ankit Biradar

ID 659451

Mohammad Intesar Quadri

ID 635898

Chandrashekar Reddy G

Worked at @imomentous

ID 868378

Sireesh Shambhu

ID 863907

Venkat K

Seasoned software professional with a passion for building great products with 8+ years of Experience in MNC with NIT Warangal degree.

ID 867925

Ameya Patkar

ID 634272

Neha Gupta

ID 642881

Swarup Karavadi

ID 869788

Harish Rayaprolu

Founder iEducative

ID 639996

nikita Tibrewal

Worked at Amazon.com,Inc as an Software Developer Enginner-Intern for six months. Graduated in 2014.

ID 873853

Gayatri Rathod

M.Tech. with 1 year industry experience looking for full time job in Hyderabad

ID 642759

Swapna Sree Surya


ID 641867

Jaipreet Singh

IIT Indore Fresher, B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering

ID 644212

Suyash Motarwar

13 yrs Experience Software Development Manager/Architect

ID 869082

Chaitanya Burgupalli

Driven, committed and innovative. Understand that technology is just a tools and what really matters is execution and targeting.  

ID 872808

Andey Karthikeya

ID 644269

Koushik Marka

Founded Scootr

ID 867483

Deepak Gullapalli


Founder & CEO of Ace2Three.com. Experienced in raising angel funding and venture capital. 

ID 642851

Kiran P

ID 639815

Abhishu Agarwal

ID 870250

Praveen Kumar Yeddula

JNTU Campus(CSE), Developed Bug tracker and Password update tool, Good in C#, DS and Algo.

ID 637371

Shilpa Angadi

BTech from VTU, 1 year Experience in TCS,Certified Java Programmer,Oracle 10g Certified Assosciate,

ID 875291

Samuel Anudeep

ID 875218

Saurabh Agrawal

ID 876349

Ramakrishna Prasad

QA Lead, CSM, CSQA, ISTQB Certified with 9+ years of experience.

ID 628740

siva ganesh

ID 875414

Srinivas BOLLAM

ID 622181

Satti Naveen

Web Developer with 2 years experience in Python,Perl,Php

ID 875745

Badisa Mithilesh

ID 631697

Shaik Ayoob

ID 626368

Adil Uddin

ID 628062

Rohit Uppalapati

Supporter at Chelsea Football Club, Movie freak and an engineer by choice

ID 876813

Kotcherla Murali Krishna

Mobile Application Developer hybrid applications,Jquery mobile applicaitons 

ID 875609


ID 630106

Parshvika Sharma

Biotech-Bioinformatics engineer

ID 630672

shivram nishanth

completed my PG from iiit hyderabad

ID 628745

Prushothaman Palanichamy

Embedded System Expert, expertise in Board-bring up, device drivers, Linux, ARM processors

ID 625442

Mahesh Naidu

ID 629015


Business development professional with experience in FMCG,Retail Banking and Life Insurance industries

ID 631499

Themberaveni Jayasri

Graduate from PRRMEC 2014 Freasher

ID 879036

Rasika Shahane

Working with Microsoft as a Software Developer Engineer from past two years.

ID 622265

Tarun Karuturi

Birla Institute of Technology,Mesra (ECE)

ID 623575

Syed Subhani

ID 606265

Leeladitya Andukuri

Entrepreneur at heart. Active in churning out ideas that can rake in money in the longer run. Internet Technology focused with diverse interests in Green energy

ID 882477

Yuva Kumar

ID 621027

aditya sharma

UI/UX Designer, Brand Builder, Website and Graphic Designer

ID 887469

Naveen Nahata

SDE ata amazon.com , Having 4 years of experience.

ID 887313

Arpit Jain

ID 886559

Rahul Varshney

Over 6 years of mobile products management skills and experience in delivering Mobile Value Added Services (VAS) products to mobile network operators worldwide.

ID 615053


ID 600071

Vijitha Naik


ID 883864

Gurshaant Malik

Rethinking computing environment using Field Programmable Gate Arrays to solve I/O bottlenecks prevalent in the current scale out architectures.

ID 887023


Worked at infosys looking for seo jobs 
http://Vidya blog.com

ID 883905

Vasu Cigareddy

Over 7 years' experience with a broad knowledge of IT Infrastructure technologies. Web junkie, Problem Solver, Systems and Solutions Architect and Engineer.

ID 620984

Praneeth reddy Ramireddy GAri

Intern,MAHLE India, Saved production line space by 25%. Reduced cycle time by 11 seconds.Verified the feasibility of induction curing over hot air circulated oven curing of Epoxy.

ID 885350

Vamshi Krishna

BE student from methodist college of engineering and technology,Firefox student ambassador,member of imgeek,volunteer at Art of Living

ID 619711

Manasa Kunaparaju

Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer, B.E(Hons), BITS Pilani, Strong Programmer, Team Player.

ID 621984

Goyind Dniyog

ID 611334

Mohammad Arafath

IIT Hyderabad CSE, Created Zoot, India's-first 3D social network.Data-Lover and Machine Learning Enthusiast. Creative and Hardworking.

ID 609877

Muthyala Gangadhar

I am M Gangadhar, very interested to make a good career with your esteemed organization. Below are my brief details for your consideration. My detailed resume can be found as attachment. Qualification: Master of Computer Applications (2013) Fresher wi

ID 888589

Manikantha Sunkavalli

I am working as an intern in OpenText, working on technologies Java, Jsp, Servltes, HTML, CSS, Javascript.

ID 620731

Raju Potu

ID 583304

Asad Dhamani

Entrepreneur, Inventor, Developer. Founder of multiple software startups.

ID 595201

BinduMadhavi Kamsali

Masters in IT from IIIT-Hyderabad, Worked as Intern Web Developer at GenY Medium.

ID 602466

Dharma Teja

ID 601582

Prasad Reddy

ID 580040

Siddharth Indurthi

ID 598050

Vamsi J Krishna

ID 578363

Shashwat Bishwen

A Cisco Certified Network Associate(CCNA), in quest of challenging assignments in, Project Management Enterprise Architecture IT Operations.

ID 598804

Jacob Pranay Kumar

Founder at Jaunt buddy. Working as a web developer at geny medium.

ID 599354

sajid mohammed

ID 569928

Karuna Gandham


ID 592793

Sai Krishna

ID 596507

Vamsi IV

ID 588703

Ayush Khatri

ID 597236

Asish Mohapatra

Software Developer at S&P Capital IQ. Done my Integrated masters from BITS Pilani and also worked as intern for six months in a Start up called Mediology Software.

ID 577611

prabodh dn

fresher from mechanical engineering

ID 589106

Anantha MeghanaJagruthi

A masters student in Information technology at IIITH

ID 567624



ID 603295

Nilay Sahu

ID 581146

Maha Nagarjuna Angalakuditi

Java Developer

ID 574507

Ganesh Kumar P

Worked at Tech Mahindra, Vast experience on learning content development in digital.

ID 569730

dasari sridhar

I am currently building a web-application which is collabarative of social networking and an online code editor(IDE).

ID 568556

Abhishek Sao

ID 567629

Akhil Singh


ID 565389

venkata Sravan

ID 562013

Sandeep Kumar

ID 562402

Bhagyashree Joshi


I have spent 15+ years working across IT and core product teams wherein I have utilized and developed expertise in leading global test delivery teams

ID 542425

Ravitheja Reddy D

ID 561954

Ravi Teja

ID 573289

SAi VAmshi Marri

ID 563568

Venkata Sudheer Tirumalasetty

Principal Software Engg., in Oracle. High enthusiasm to work on Javascript (on server-side and client-side)

ID 555473

Ayan S.R.

ID 568654

Shashank Wadhwa

CanSat 2013 participant, Event Co-ordinator for Robocamp 2012, passionate about technology

ID 547622

sankruthi rao

ID 567722

Ravi Raja Merugu

Computational Biologist, Web Developer

ID 561255

Appusamy Subbian(SA)

Specialist in creating Web Application ,delivering Enterprise application ,Good Hands on experience in both Programing as well solution arhctecture

ID 568289

Bheemesh Raj

I am blessed to work for all the mobile devices, iPad & tablets. I have Experienced, web Applications & Share Point Application designer with in a short time.

ID 547796

Ratnesh Chandak

CSE student @ IIT Hyderabad

ID 558216

Ch Vijju


ID 563022

Pradeep Kumar Bhaindla

A software developer working at zeta interactive systems india pvt ltd.

ID 548721

Venky Mullapudi

Founder Waspire

ID 525007

Aayush Arora

Computer Science Engineer, experience in sales and market research, loves languages, well traveled, experienced event manager

ID 539411

Sampath Krishna

ID 508761

Sudheer kumar

B.Tech Grad,Worked as Free Lancer in training and development Engineer on Windows 8 Platform at Microsoft Partner Company.Ex-Microsoft Student Partner.

ID 541436

gowtham ganguri

ID 524182


ID 533040


Founder subbu

ID 504469

Anshum Agarwal

ID 514864

Ranbir Mahapatra

Worked at @microsoft, @amazon. Specialize in scouting for top engineers for greenfield projects. Was part of seed team at equra - a consulting startup.

ID 531660

vaneesh dass

Pantnagar CSE,Good knowledge of C,java,SQL,HTML,Data Structure and Algorithm.

ID 517937

Kunal Chowdhary

Developing social network platform to raise concerns in society across the globe.

ID 518025

Kishore Kumar Katta

ID 529163

Ramya Kode

Bioinformatician, geek, thinker, dreamer, explorer, artist, book lover, Djokovic, communication samurai, abstract artist, happiness amplifier, ice breaker, travel junkie, foodie, intrigued by different cultures, jack of all sports, and dog lover.

ID 533408

aseem bansal

ISB MBA, Experience in web, core software and hardware. Worked in distributed environment across globe. Self starter and fine finisher

ID 506807

Krshna Raju Vasistha

10+ years of overall experience into Business Operations, Hr Services and People Management. Worked in start ups as well as established organizations.Passionate in working with Start ups.

ID 523936

Siva Kumar Naramsetti PMP, CSM, ITIL V3

Vice President - Technology at IPAY.Creating a platform to empower commoner with Ecommerce.15yrs of IT experience in Product / Project Mgmt with good hands on.

ID 534419

Mohan Krishna

Founder kea

ID 521645

Jiten Goyal

3rd Year Undergraduate C.S.E student at IIIT-Hyderabad

ID 509869


ID 505483

Anil kumar

Fullstack PHP developer.Good knowledge on MVC architecture.

ID 526476

priyank krodhan

Worked in Mindteck for NetApp

ID 475406

Navin Agarwal

Birla Institute of Technology- EEE;Developed Robots and industrial automation through image processing; Working in Verizon

ID 472442

Bharath Kumar

From India with great knowledge in Quality Assurance and Process Improvment.

ID 502758

Satya Harika Ananthagiri

Expert in Hardware Design,Repeaters,POS and Modem

ID 503170

Debarghya Bhattacharya

ID 497749

Harshit Daga

An open source contributor (Beginner, Apache Hadoop project)

ID 496670

Nitin luthra

Working in Infosys as systems engineer

ID 482996

Saumya Pathak

Selected for GNOME's Outreach program for Women

ID 483065

Hemanth Kumar

B Com with 7 yrs exp in General Insurance Motor Underwriting

ID 474968

Santosh Choudhary

ID 474328

sneha thippireddy

ID 469483

Manik Sharma

Performance Testing Professional ,looking for a great career .

ID 469731

Krishna Vadapalli

Founder Grovystore

ID 496342

Souptik Sen

Algo-geek, workex in Computer Associates

ID 496528

Rohith Setti

Created a youtube like website, Started a e-commerice website

ID 487172

Adarsh Pugalia

IIT Hyderabad, Second year, Undergraduate. Interested in algorithms, and android development.

ID 492765

Revanth Levaka

ID 499854

Shravan Akula

ID 505334

Tarun Buddana

#Telugu speaking #Indian :B

ID 471124

Keerthi Reddy Paramjyothi

MBA IT and Operations student at IMT, Hyderabad. Looking forward for a career as a business analyst.

ID 480552

Suresh Neela

ID 453886

Arshed Gulshan

ID 453430

benci raju

brains behind a start up venture. investors with a cool personality are required

ID 454707

veeranki muneswararao

Muneswararao Veeranki Founder of chittischools.com which is a bigger platform in India Providing about school information

ID 466048


ID 464700

Ronak Kogta


ID 463604

Kalyan Kumar Golla

ID 452601

Rabindra Singh

Delivered Hardware platform for Pico Base station for Indoor applications. UE attach achieved. Involved in a Broadband Radio-head design platform along with BB Digital Pre-distortion characterization.

ID 463185

Ramachandrudu K

M.Tech (CSE), IIT Bombay, 8.5 years of product development experience

ID 460272

Amogh Natu

MCTS, .NET developer with 2.5 years of experience. http://www.codeproject.com/script/Articles/MemberArticles.aspx?amid=8384879. https://amoghnatu.wordpress.com

ID 458661

Dr Suresh Kumar Vunnamatla

Founder NutritionWorks • Studied at @andhra-medical-college

ID 449612

Mohan Vamsi Ethamsetti


ID 458200

Chandra Ganesh

Software Engineer offering 6 months of Internship experience in the IT industry with a focus on product development

ID 463597

Sai Krishna Reddy

ID 462724


ID 456880

Karunaker Reddy

Software Engineer, Worked at 2 startups and actively working for wisestep.com

ID 465091

Jacob Abraham

Android Application Developer

ID 464393

Pratik Prajapati

Computer Science, Programmer, Worked at Gameloft, Currently launched an RPG game Song Of Swords

ID 461833

Bethi Sandeep Kumar

ID 463161

Gadipudi jyothi

ID 421375

Kranthi Priya

ID 444555

venkatesh varma

ID 417297

Saurav Modak

ID 446334

bala prasad

ID 429850

Aditi Dewra

MBA from Leicester Business School, 7+ years of working experience and loads of positivity and enthusiasm.

ID 441312

Sriram Syamala


Founded Isilica Networks in 2003, early bird at Juniper and Cisco. B.Tech and MS in Computer Science.

ID 430433

Subba Rao Ambati

Founder of Eubios Therapeutica; Cofounder of Vanguard Therapetics Pvt Limited ($0 to pre-IPO stage); Johnson & Johnson India - Head of AP B. Pharm (BITS PILANI)

ID 432910

Shiva Naidu

Founder Resource Master

ID 413882

Nilanjan Kanjilal

ID 404599

Hyderabad Flora


ID 435169

Anuj Gangwar

Btech Major: CSE, Minor: Entrepreneurship @ IIT Hyderabad. Inter College Fest core team member for Three years, Event Manager for Nation Service Scheme

ID 434415

Amritha Peddi

ID 427341

Ayush Minocha

Final year undergrad with 2 publications in the field of computer vision. Eager to join a growing startup!

ID 422460

Gayathri Gururaj

ID 439036

Dinesh Kumar Nalluri

ID 439453

Nouman Naveed

Founder @frissbi • Worked at @capgemini-financial-services

ID 415782

Siddhu Siddhartha

ID 448851

Sandeep Mani Tripathi

wefwefvewrfs klwjnfiowfk niho9wefiow iojfwer

ID 435025

Naveen Gandamalla

ID 391297

Emil Joseph

ID 402414

Shashidhar Varanasi


Hi folks, Masters in Computer Applications, Applications, Systems Programming, Apps Development, Technical/Customer Mgmt for over 14 years, with top organizations - Microsoft, Polycom, General Electric, Samsung. I'd like to invest, join forces with a t

ID 392666


ID 373544

Srikanth Reddy

ID 383012

Bharath Nalamolu

Result oriented, self motivated, delivered high quality applications into play store

ID 389901

Rohith Chintawar

Knowledge management specialist

ID 382995

Bharat vyas

ID 392310

Neeraj Shukla

Founder of Wakerr.com Software Engineer-Love Android and Ruby on Rails.

ID 389498

Keyshore Kumar

I am the quality design player. Working at Angaros Group. I worked on lot of websites and also monthly promotions designs in bingo industry.

ID 387527

Pavan Karwa

Angel Investor & Entrepreneur!

ID 405396

Om Amarnath

ID 408439

Santosh Subudhi

bsc having experience 3+ yrs sales and marketing

ID 385001

Vinutha Rallapalli

Have been in the eco-system as an enabler and from the investors side for the last 3 years and a accounting and finance professional with deep domain knowledge.

ID 402873

Kishore B

ID 397708



ID 382870

Prince Kumar

A stalker of passion and fighter of salvation.Software Engineer by profession.

ID 395668

Ravi Kiran

MBA grad with 4 years of experience in finance

ID 389134

Bwealthy Bhappy

ID 390007


I am a fresher looking out for a job

ID 337336

Vivek Yarra

Product Engineer @ Edutor Technologies

ID 353631

Sistla V Abhishek

SpeedCuber, Hacker, Process Enthusiast, Founder @digiter.co • Worked at Mauka Technologies & Coherendz. Working with Kairos India as the Tech Lead.

ID 373045


web Portals sales manager

ID 373174

Kushal Mandala

ID 357930

Somay Jain

Junior year B.Tech Honors student at IIIT-Hyderabad. Love algorithmic programming, OpenSource. Worked at Google Summer of Code '13, Sahana Softwares, a HFOSS.

ID 334174

Dhitrax Ineela

ID 352912

Gurupad S. Hegde

Data Scientist

ID 339643


I am a Trained professional in .Net technlogy and working as a System Administrator

ID 342058

Ravindra Yepuri

Worked at @wavecrest-payment-technologies

ID 361835

Himanshu Singh

ID 368579


Aspiring to become Entrepreneur graduated in Computer Science 2012.

ID 330269

Kiran Thota

Full-Stack Programmer, IIITH CS

ID 357629


9 Months of Industry experience, working on multiple projects and developed nearly 30+ web applications. Hands-on experience in Java, Dot Net, Ruby and Python programming languages. PHP, Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS, Java script, JQuery scripting language. Wo

ID 349649

Krishna Reddy

ID 364168

Rohan S Raju

Senior Software Engineer at WaveCrest, JAVA and JAVA Enterprise with various Open Source Frameworks

ID 361352

Rajendra Rowthu

ID 342236

Manvitha Chennuru

ID 374206


ID 363030


Founder Parttime jobs For all

ID 306858


ID 322190

Rahul Dhadse

ID 307796

Gautam Kumar

Applications engineer at Oracle; Internship at Vizexperts India Pvt. Ltd.

ID 321169

Ajinkya Shegokar

I work with databases. Cloud ,RDBMS grid or internet all of it.

ID 313494

Rama Rao Kuppanadi

ID 330203

Suman Suman



ID 319181

Ragh Av


ID 326282

Surya Klsv

BITS Pilani Hyd graduate, Working at Morgan Stanley, Algo trading enthusiast

ID 322185

Lalitha Nagavenkata

Project co-ordinator and Social Media Expert , Handled Various social media projects Successfully. Testing engineer with some programming knowledge.Excellent communication a organisation and project co-ordination skills

ID 333779

Pavankumar Koduri

Java,PRPC professional

ID 304738

Sundeep Bhuvanagiri

NIT Warangal, Created a few web apps and android apps. Love challenges and starting to love UX.

ID 317812

sagarkumar prajapati

successfully finished two intern project.

ID 308449


Founder Aavaaz

ID 324228

Vishbu Santurkar

Senior Technical Lead

ID 315607

Venki Pola

Advanced Javascript Engineer

ID 306978

Praveen Kumar N

This is Praveen Kumar completed graduation from IIIT,Hyderabad(CSE) in 2007. I having excellent problem solving skills and equally good at algorithms. I am - Solid developer and can write production code - Quick learner - proficient @ .Net te

ID 331466


Jr. Software engineer

ID 314740

Ragini Reddy

Good investor

ID 327077


properly managed 2 contracts successfully withini given time

ID 286976

Raghu Chinnannan

Founded Green Innovators Owner of msgchat.com

ID 303034

Abdul Khader

Fast thinker, one java and one php/mysql/javascript project to credit

ID 294640




ID 285691


ID 304313

M S K Aditya

authored frameworks different CRM flavors, author of 8+ think week papers, passionate about building systems that depict customer obsession,six sigma green belt

ID 294154

Ragavendra Madhusudan Vedula

Around 7 years of Product development experience in Java,Java web, Javascript and html5 technologies

ID 277839


live, learn & Be happy

ID 293783

Lovakumar Katikala

Btech(CSE) from IIIT Hyderabad, Lead Developer, Strong in Datastructures and algorithms, 4 years of start up experience

ID 288946

Reena Jabran

Certified Coach in Neuro Linguistic Programming [NLP] from NFNLP in 2000, by Dr. William Horton, President, NFNLP Florida, USA.

ID 286232

Hem Manan

ID 297175

Santosh Ayyappa

ID 292690

janardhan reddy kanukulaa

Working at @www-girik-in, Expert in dealing with Movie Theaters and Film Distribution. Worked in Indian Movie industry from the past 10 years

ID 296816

Archie Makhija

Worked at @google, @globallogic

ID 300877

Anil Murikipudi

ID 279909

Krishna Muppaneni

ID 292097

Marutish Varanasi

Market strategy and Market sizing specialist

ID 303193

Rohith P

ID 304288

Sudharshan Rajendhiran

Machine learning researcher and Full Stack Software Engineer

ID 272740

Rajeev Agarwal

ID 210773

Vishnu Vardhan Yarmaneni


Founder @merino-investments-pvt-ltd • Worked at @infosys-technologies, @ecgine

ID 235670

Syed Aleem

ID 253997

Shashidhar Mangu

UXX Designer, Photography & Travel enthusiast.

ID 229524



ID 279423

Ashwin Kolappan


ID 266404

Mir Mustafa Ali

Technology evangelist, Geek, In love with the machine which works on 0 and 1.

ID 255041

Kiran Ka


Found CloudScope

ID 269234

Vinay Kumar

SEO Consultant for UK Based Companies

ID 218103

santosh kumar

ID 271270

Suman Gajam


ID 270117


b tech in electronics and communication, Certified with ethical hacking, Certified with internet security expert, Certified with network security, Certified with malware analysis, Certified with reverse engineering

ID 281456

Yashwanth Maheshwaram

Venture Hacker and Products Visionary

ID 282586

Shashank Chavan

Am enthusiastic developer of PHP and MySql, Strong desire to start a company, wish to gain expertise intially by working for a startup.

ID 278997

Ravi Shanker

ID 277406

Bhagat Marla

ID 233968

Ashish SAK


Listed companies:A US consortium has expressed an interest in investing in listed companies. Ticket size from $10M to +$100M acquiring non core assets.

ID 261437

Avula venkateshwar Reddy

ID 230541

Nitin Chawda

ID 242232

Kalpesh Agrawal


I am founder of National crowdfunding federation of India.

ID 145496

Shishir Singh

Yet Another Software Engineer. Co-founder of Sopan Technologies.

ID 187823

Akhilesh Kumar

CEO of LetsDine. 10+ years leadership experience in Business Transformation. Worked at UTC and Saint Gobain.

ID 192986

Anjani Dubey

ID 145156

Manoj Kumar

Co-founder and CEO of @youthstrings, Started a charitable organisation SMYLES, Writer by nature & Pursuing Medicine and has a passion for following my dreams.

ID 165912

Venkat Ravi Shanker

Have dabbled in IT for over a decade, Possess great product ideas need investors who can translate and shape into a startup

ID 146425

Naveen Varanasi

Co-Founder @youthstrings and CSO of Youthstrings! Completed Graduation in Electronics and Communications.Presently pursuing Telecom certification

ID 132972

vinay kumar

Seeking opportunities as Front End Developer, Mobile UI Developer, or Web Developer with a high growth oriented organization.

ID 170461

Uma Mahesh Varma

uma mahesh varma seeram Edit Sr. Software Engineer at Seneca Global IT Services Private Limited Hyderabad Area, India Information Technology and Services

ID 179692

Kranthi Kumar Reddy

CEO of Nanoesis. R&D in nanoink formulations and applications.

ID 140594


chemical engineer with an eye on internet

ID 160636

Cariappa Prasad

ID 174173


Founder LaundroPod. Innovator and Enterpreneur. Led large businesses prior to LaundroPod.

ID 191375

Sree Siddhartha

ID 163434

Divakar Boyanapalli

Set up offshore development centers for startups.

ID 188518


ID 207538

Sarabjit Dua

Indian School Of Business MBA, Microsoft and Trilogy Alumni

ID 202751


ID 163588

Manisha Verma

IR & IE Engineer, Ms from IIIT Hyd

ID 133788

Aftab Khan

Visual Designer & Front-end Developer

ID 44569

Tony Polad

Founding partner & Director, CCUBE Financial Software for Financial Advisors, Clients, Dealergroups, Fund Managers and Investment Platforms.

ID 57753

Lazy Universe

ID 126962


Founder @frissbi, Kleverlinks Network Private Limited • Worked at @wipro-limited • Studied at @anwar-ul-uloom-college-of-engineering-technology-hyderabad

ID 140263

Yashashwi Kauschav

Assistant Project Manager, Transbit Technologies Software Pvt Ltd.

ID 114509


BITS Pilani Grad. Young India Fellow. Have strong foundational work-ex in Corporate, Start-ups, non-profits. GSVC Finalist - Berkeley.

ID 66799

Lakshma Reddy

ID 124054

Neeraj Matta

Graduation student & Social Media Marketing, With Experience In Business Development, Random Blogger, Concentrating On Conceptual Skills.

ID 97927

Designing Studios

Web Designing & Development, PSD to Any Conversion & SEO service providers. Empowered with skilled pool of efficient and experienced professionals.

ID 65811

Suresh Vurity

CEO and Owner of way2earning.com

ID 118234

Manikanta Gade

designer (casting) developer!

ID 102942

Arjun Phlox

Visual Artist & Designer. I enjoy my thoughts creating reality, my imagination eliciting creativity. A kid at heart, a kick for mind. I play in mud.

ID 70765

Hari Krishnan

Founder and Director at Finvista Advisors. Mergers and Acquisition professional. Rich Industry and Transaction experience - Strategy to Integration

ID 121711

Hughson Simon

Full Stack Python , PHP, ROR and Javascript Developer

ID 91751


Social Job Engine with productivity tools for recruiters and employers. Highly optimized dashboards, tracking and candidate assessments.

ID 104237

Mayank Kishore

ID 80327

Neeraj Kumar

CTO of Oxbridgebiotech.com.Interened with @google, working for D.E.Shaw and Co.Strong webapplication development skills.

ID 85619

manoj agarwal

Joined a stratup as a lead developer after finishing my graduation from IIT kharagpur. Worked on an ecommerce project which failed because of lack of resources.

ID 85405

Hemant Joshi

SharePoint Consultant Consultant.

ID 121855

Md Muneeruddin Khurram

md muneeruddin khurram .worked with 24/7 cakes & florists for a year .strong business background

ID 32752

Vijay Kolaventy

ID 44344

Yaswanth Ravella

Screwed up Software Developer, Fan of TED, Aspiring Entrepreneur and Proud Indian.

ID 8800

Bakul Dharod

ID 19614

Maheshram Rajulapati

ID 15451

Chetan Mitta

ID 888919

ravi yadav

looking of a job as a 3D modeller

ID 889887

Vishesh Bansal

Strategy and Legal Consultant, India.

ID 4570


ID 890373

Sasi Kumar Konda

student developer for windows phone applications

ID 2481

Geet Mehar

ID 13155

Salim Ahmed

ID 889112

tarun kumar

Launced technologybooster.com in college. Good knowledge of digital marketing and campaigns. Have worked on javascript. Topper in NIT J electronics branch

ID 44353

Haricharan Vijayaraghavan

Project Manager | Scrum Master | Pre Sales Consultant | Enterprise Mobility Evangelist | Strong Process background | Handled Fortune 500 orgs. in Mobility

ID 889521

Anjali Agarwal

Completed my Btech from Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, in 2014 with cgpa of 7.68

ID 889995

Amjath Sharief

A seasoned software professional who believes in people, technology & processes in building a great team that delivers innovation, business value & profits

ID 22525

Anirudh Maitra

Founder @ PlayCez. Ex Googler. Previous Start-up experiences in e-learning, product design

ID 14461

Srinivasa HarshaVardhan Atluri

ID 890308

Sharang Joshi

Working as an Analyst at Deloitte in IT security domain. Previously worked with an online start-up as a sales rep.

ID 889707

Praveen Kavuri

//}) /* // var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //console.log('y = '+ y); if (jQuery(this).scrollTop() > 1200 ) { $('#promoBand').fadeIn(); } else { $('#promoBand').fadeOut(); } */ //do something special }, 11000);